Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/12/2024

Good interview. If we take the “liberal” approach and assume that these are all the best and brightest, hardest working most decent people coming from these countries then they stand to eventually collapse from within with all of these great people fleeing.

While I’m sure most of them are very good people just looking to improve their lives and the lives of their families the cost to this country politically, culturally, fiscally and economically is more than we can bear.

Yes, and considering the technological advancements in AI, where industries that use man labor will be replacing them with robotics a lot of these third worlders are going to be displaced, which is not only going to be a massive drain on the countries coffers welfare system but perhaps create a powder keg of insurrection in the future. You are right, people who support or are against this mass migration have every right to be voicing their discontent on this subject matter, for the people themselves are mere pawns in the larger political context being exacerbated by the Democratic Marxist Party.

I keep pointing out the contradictions of the democrats on the subject.

They are the people warning us that within 10-20 years a huge number of low end labor jobs will be replaced by technology and that’s a wonderful thing.

At the same time they are aiding and abetting the flooding of the country with those who will soon be displaced by that tech.

They are creating the very kinds of economic and social struggles that bring down countries in mass protests, riots, and civil wars.

Republicans need to start calling them out on it and getting people to think about the long term consequences of flooding the country with these types of people instead of initiating a merit based immigration system.

The fact is, they don’t care about the long term consequences as long as they believe that by taking the pro mass immigration stance now they can ensure themselves permanent power.

When the problems begin to blow up it will all be due to the evil, greedy, rich republicans who aren’t willing to give everything up to these poor starving hapless immigrants and their American Born offspring.

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Good post by you and I couldn’t agree more!

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There was just an article publish yesterday about Gov Cuomo passing a law that removed exemptions for Catholics and religious groups to be vaccinated! In recent months there has been an outbreak of Chicken Pox and Mumps in the New York public school system! How much of that outbreak can be contributed to illegals and their children? New York is a sanctuary city and are getting free education and healthcare!

He also I believe signed a bill into law (maybe the same one) forcing all employers to pay for insurance that includes abortion coverage even if they are religious institutions.

That law will be struck down immediately either in the federal courts or it will be DOA if/when it goes to the SCOTUS since it is in direct conflict with prior rulings.

They don’t care, this is about whipping up a frenzy for 2020 on the abortion and immigration issues.

This is pretty reprehensible when looking at this story. When and what will it take for congress to act and stop this insanity? This is pretty outrageous!

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108 degrees. I’m surprised any of them survived.

The cartels are imposing a death sentence on a lot of these people. The scarier part is this crisis is now inviting all kinds of foreign nationals now, as this girl was a Asian Indian.

Once the cartel gets the money, they don’t care what happens to the migrant.

The same applies to their drug sales.

Pretty much. I feel for the illegals, I don’t blame them for wanting a better life.

We however can’t even deal with our own problems and all they are doing is enriching the scum of the earth paying the Cartels to get them into the US.

Immigration should be on the terms of the US and serve what the country needs like doctors and professionals. We have enough poor with a 10th grade education.

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No question about it. I don’t however blame them for want to make better lives for themselves and their families.

The US however is a sovereign country and it’s not up to us to provide for the refuse of the rest of the world.

It’s time people instead of fleeing from their shithole countries to enter the US Illegal learn to plant their feet, take their own countries back from the despots and dictators and make better lives there.

I feel for them but we aren’t responsible for their troubles and can barely handle our own.

Coincidence? I think not!

Not exactly a surprise. Not only is it primarily Red States the enter through, if you remember back to 2016-2016 Obama was flooding red states across the country with them with his new “Busing” program.

Especially in states like Idaho and Montana that are predominantly white!

If I remember right Minnesota and I think Wisconsin were heavily targeted too. In fact, looking back I think you’d find all of the “Battleground States” where just a handful of votes can turn a presidential race were heavily targeted as well.

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Yes you are correct! Interesting enough it was not just illegals but Muslim refugees that were purposely being imported to those states too!

There was a case in Idaho that involved a rape charge by some Muslim teens who sexually assaulted a mentally handicapped girl in which the city council tried to cover up to avoid media attention!

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