Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/12/2024

There’s a host of issues they bring with them.
The cost to support them on the American Taxpayers.
The cost of their children education, on the American people.
Their 10th grade ave. education limits what thy can contribute to the US.
What will these people do when the next recession hits and they have no work? More welfare?
Where do they live? Government subsidized housing. Americans back of the line.
The list of issues health related etc.

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The simple question is, "How will adding millions of more poor, uneductated immigrants to our population make America a better or richer country?

Remember the same democrats opening the gates to these people are warning us that ten years from now half of our low end labor jobs will have been eliminated to technological advancement.

What do we do then with tens of millions of unemployed aliens and their kids who were born in the US then?

See LA …


Yes, I agree!

It’s like this when talking to today’s American about social and important political issues.

Joe Schmo: yeah this border crisis is going to bankrupt the country we really need to get out there and start advocating our votes

Metro John Don: yeah sure I agree (while scrolling his phone without looking up to acknowledge the conversation)

I hope so because this is freaking crazy! Americans who are against this need to figure out a way to have their protest heard! I don’t mean by sitting behind a computer! So far the only ones who are showing are the Bikers! There will be over a million of them in DC soon, effectively they will be able to shut down DC! You would figure that number or more of Americans would show up at the border? So far I only see the outrage with internet rants! Then there is also the issue of all the illegals already in the country! How to address that problem? IMO the best way to hit Washington and get their attention is the power of the purse, but not sure how realistic that is considering that a lot who work for others would be powerless in that regard!

You are forgetting the donors to build the wall That is a way to have your voice heard as well as doing something to backup your position.

A lot of us cannot get out to protest at the border. Some don’t have the funds to travel and some can’t get away from work and/or family obligations.

We don’t have democrat sponsored travel, either :wink:

I was addressing the obstructionists in DC and their supporters who want more migrants. I am saying even if they are gung ho on open borders they can’t be THIS stupid not to sit back and agree that the border needs to be enforced, for the safety of Americans, because of the diseases.

Well then you get the country you deserve if no one can or is willing to fight for it! Remember the American Revolution? People had to make a living too, but when the country was under siege everyone did what they could and united together to fight tyranny! Same with both World Wars! It’s why we have the swamp Government today, because people like you can’t fight anymore when you are slave to your own wages, (I don’t mean that in a literal sense, but figuratively speaking) as the disposition as a whole in how apathetic Americans have become that the political class can pretty much do what it wants with impunity!

LOL. Who said people aren’t fighting for it. Simply because your idea of fighting is to join a protest?

I’d rather contribute to funding the wall then spending money to go stand somewhere with a sign. I’d rather spend money on what will still be standing 20 years from now than a flight and hotel for an event that is forgotten about the next day.

What you don’t seem to understand is protests are going to do absolutely nothing. The democrats don’t care and neither do the RHINO’s. So, be smarter than them and vote them out of office.

I am not talking about a simple protest standing somewhere with a sign, that is a waste of time, please reread what I was intimating about earlier. Also yes I agree the wall is a good contribution, but addressing the problem with illegals already in the country is what the wall won’t fix and that is not being talked about. I also said voting is not enough but I Guess that is your idea of a fall back position not considering that elections are also being rigged, something you don’t want to accept or believe that is also happening! The point is, this mass migration was no accident, it is a coordinated effort to change the demographics of the country forever by the Democrats who seek to be in control of the future, and when that happens then your vote won’t matter by then! The time is now to address this problem and voting alone is not going to save the country when time is the commodity being wasted on stupid platitudes! Sorry, it’s true whether you want to accept that or not but the country will fall if we accept your premise as is!

Perhaps we can do the UBI trick, of course on the taxpayers.

And I said no amount of protesting or disruption is going to change the minds of RHINO’s or the democrats. So, unless they are voted out of office we are stuck with obstruction.

Remember when ObamaCare got slammed down our throats? People protested, went to town halls to the extent that no democrat would no longer dare even offer a town hall meeting. Where did that get the majority of Americans AND they had the republicans in congress on their sides?

We have mumps, measles, TB (just to name a few) and now people from the Ebola ridden Congo crossing our borders being dumped into our cities. It is going to take a 911 like event, such as an outbreak, for people to wake up, shed the PC crap and turn on the democrats.

And while you have your own opinion on what people should be doing, I have mine. So, if you want to take yourself down to the border (or whatever) with a group of people feel free to do so. I haven’t heard one word from you about what YOU are actually doing other than finger pointing.

Whereas I DID do something I felt would make not a symbolic difference, but a tangible difference which was to donate to the wall. So, don’t preach to me about how screwed up the system is when I already acknowledge it. I am not part of the problem but part of the millions who are part of the solution whether you agree with how I or anyone chooses to play their role.

Ideology wins every time over stupidity.


We can disagree because we have different perspectives and understandings on what outside the box solutions are available. There are many but people are not seeing it or are able to take to a cause because they only know of the conventional methods as the only way possible! This is where our thinking is very different! It’s not about changing minds of RINOS and Democrats, it about changing the game in which they play in, and that is the part you are not understanding in which I tried to articulate in previous posts!

I am not short on memory, as a result it was the greatest congressional defeat in US election history where Democrats were on the losing side! That also put the ACA front and center as an issue that a majority of Americans were displeased with that continuously slammed the DEMs in the nations narrative!

Yeah so? Your point is? It’s happened because we allowed it to happen and a major event like 9-11 is the entire point and objective that won’t solve the problem, but create another distraction for those who seek to not let a good crisis go to waste.

You never genuinely asked me what my cause is or what I am doing to contribute. Sounds like you are getting defensive here, so I won’t even bother to tell you.

Well that is great and you can pat yourself on the back for that! Let’s revisit this conversation in the next election cycle to see if your causes was effective enough to stem the tide of the country’s self implosion!

Actually, I do pat myself on the back for it as well as the thousands who donated. Why, because there are actually walls being built blocking the flow of drugs and illegals into this country. People LEGALLY took the matter into their own hands and circumvented the all powerful obstructionists.

That is thinking outside of the box and following through with action.

However, I don’t have scorn towards those who cannot attend protests at the border because they lack the funds to travel, have work or family obligations that disallow them from taking part in such events.

Many people do their part by not hiring illegals, not doing business with people who hire illegals, not renting to illegals and the list goes on and on.

If you are inferring this will lead to a civil war then I would, of course, stand on the side of what is right to preserve our Constitution, this country and our way of life.

Given that scenario, it doesn’t mean I have to pick up a firearm and go hit the front lines. There are multiple ways change can be made and support can be given.

Everyone play a role to the best of their abilities.

Your issue should not be with the people who support stopping illegal immigration but rather with the people who obstruct our laws. However much you disagree with me on how I choose to go about it, I still am on the same side you are.

My issue is not with people who are trying and are in support of stopping illegal immigration, my issue is with the discourse of the country as a whole and the passive methods they thus far have employed! You were wondering were the outrage was, and I was attempting to explain that part of the equation. It is more of a cultural issue than it is with people expressing outrage but are apathetic to do anything about it! It’s the main reason why we are here in this mess in today’s current situation!

This is something I want to end!

I’m glad MX is finally catching on. Let’s see if they foreward the information to the DOJ/FBI so that those responsible can be charged with aiding and abetting the illegals.


Okay, it isn’t funny for anyone to have to go through this, but I couldn’t resist the humor of the title. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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