Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/12/2024


That should have been one of his main agenda from the beginning. Back in 2016…why now?

Who knows? But I suspect we are talking about a massive hit on the economy was something he was not willing to stomach.

Wait…our economy taking a hit? Or those countries? They don’t have a steady economy like our’s. They’re too busy sending their people over here…Lol

No our economy would definitely take a hit if we suddenly decided to close the southern border with Mexico! Do you know much about international trade and what comes and goes with the current trade deals involving Mexico? It would be negative in the short term, in the long term who knows, but a lot of American businesses would be severely impacted if that happened.

This is true in a right here right now soundbite.

However, what kind of price are we actually paying behind the scenes? I suspect the price is much larger than American business who would be impacted. After all, there are other sources than Mexico.

Because of the tariffs Trump put on Mexico. Personally, I think Trump could had waited to renaming the former NAFTA until after his first term. JMO

True but shifting to other sources doesn’t happen over night, as things need to be negotiated and put into place before making such monumental decisions. We simply don’t have the manufacturing base like we use to either, however, it is somewhat starting to make a come back, but we are not where we need to be in terms of being a self sufficient manufacturing base. The most hit of course is agri, so there would have to be a contingency plan put into place to soften the initial blow. We simply are not there yet as good as the economy has been roaring along.

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Well the actual tariffs that were put into place was not targeting Mexico or Canada, but China and the EU who have exploited the NAFTA loopholes for years. They have invested heavily in manufacturing in those two countries and were able to import into US markets without paying a dime. Hence why the Steel and Aluminum were the first to be taxed, because especially the Chinese were dumping inferior products into the market and price gauging the consumers. Thankfully Trump, (Ross) put a stop to that.

Of course it doesn’t happen overnight. That is why most business have more than one supply line and never put all of their eggs into one basket.

Very true. This can has been pushed down the road far too long now. It probably is not a bad lesson to learn that dependency on other countries to the point of disruption of our own economy isn’t the best of strategies.

We are a pretty self sufficient country with all of the resources we need.

Yeah. China being a very clear example of what can go very wrong. Hopefully we can start pushing and buying domestically made products again! I am all for American Made! The more the better, and it will allow us to compete and secure our future! Too many businesses outsourcing has really hurt our base and bottom line for many years. The first step was lowering the capital gains and corporate Tax, which IMO didn’t go low enough like 15% for starters, but it has allowed and encouraged a more hospital environment for businesses to come in and invest in America again, and that is a good thing!


Trump has a victory, albeit a small one nevertheless its a victory.

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It puts us one step closer to the SCOTUS and with momentum, I’d call it pretty siginificant.


Actually it a big victory.

Th moment a person crossing the border illegally says asylum, they can be returned to Mexico to await their court date.

Perhaps an end to catch and release.

Businesses surely suffered at multiple times in our history if they were doing business with an adversary.

It happens. But we weigh the overall cost/benefit to our nation in more ways than one.

There should have never been “catch and release” in the first place. Anyone with a brain would obviously know, it just clogs up the courts and most don’t even show up for their hearing.

However there are not enough facilities to house the masses waiting fr entry into the US.

A great deal.

Get free rides from central America to the border.
Get caught. Claim amnesty.
Get free housing until they need to offload people.
Ice busses people for free to various parts of the country.
Apply for welfare, apply for housing pick up your freebies. Your clearer 7-8 years before your court date.
Have 1 or 2 kids citizens of the US and you’ll never be deported as they don’t want to break up families.

Short term pain for long term gain.

My grandparents and their parents ate dirt during the depression and for a good period prior, then had to fight WWII. Their sacrifices were incredible and I do mean truly “incredible” to an every growing percentage of each successive generation.

American farmers are used to long periods of suffering before hitting a few good years and maybe one great year before the cycle naturally reoccurs. Strong farm families will survive and eventually prosper.

Thus we have the deterrent.

Maybe it’s just me…but I am sure for the short term, whether we spend billions of dollars to build the wall and fix the border crisis. Or we will face a long term of continuation of the same problem for many generations to come. Billions of dollars wasted on welfare and making our cities “sanctuary”.

Obviously, the Democrats don’t care if it is wasted on useless Amnesty.