Senator to probe 'talk on ousting Trump'

He obstructs their Just-Us


“I don’t care. I believe Putin,” Pres Trump allegedly said, rejecting U.S. intelligence regarding North Korean intercontinental ballistic missile capability. McCabe says he heard this from an FBI official who was at the meeting with POTUS.

Seems consistent with his comments in Helsinki.

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Over ruled, hear say. Not admissible in a court of law.

Seems your clueless.

Hahahahaha. The story seems consistent with Trump siding with Putin over his own intelligence agencies. Are you surprised?!

That you believed it without question? Not at all. :roll_eyes:

Trump himself is on the record siding with Putin over his intelligence agencies. Why would McCabes accounts be any different

Look… a squirrel!


Orange man baa baa baa baaad. :laughing:

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The (oxymoron) intelligence community who said Iraq had nuclear weapons and lied?

Just curious, why do you demonize the Russians. For interfering in our elections?
The US has interfered in other countries and out history is riddled with examples. Did you wet your panties when Obama want to Israel before their election to influence the outcome? Did you wet your panties when we droned Libya helping with the over throw of the Libyan government which was stable and the eventual deaths of Americans? Did you wet your panties when Obama went to the UK to support the UK staying in the EU? Did you wet your panties when Obama sent our AF in support of insurgents in Syria?

No like every little leftist that was different and your all consuming hate of Trump is more than evident.

As a side note, you seem to prefer foreign relations set so Russia and NK would be an instant away from nuking us or an ally.

Not a peep from the left when this happened.

from Pelosi plots with Mexico to beat Trump - American Thinker

In an exclusive interview with the Washington Examiner Friday, former Mexican President Vicente Fox also said that he is “becoming a fan of” Clinton, who he compared to former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and he disparaged Trump supporters as lazy, uneducated, TV watching drunks.

He complained that that Mexico buys billions of dollars of items from the United States that create 10 million American jobs, but Trump supporters still “don’t respect us.”

He added, “We need to wake up that citizen. We need them to take them away from the TV and drinking beer, to working hard, to getting the skills, to getting knowledge, and they will come along, like everybody else.”

On a media tour to promote an anti-Trump, “compassionate, intelligent leadership” agenda, he said that he met with Pelosi at the airport in Mexico City Sunday and discussed ways he can help convince Latin American immigrants in the United States to reject Trump.

“What I’ve been saying here, I told her. Count with us, with all Mexicans, to support the Democratic Party because you’ve done much better with us than the Republican Party,” he said.

“We will never convince any Mexican either in the (United) States or in Mexico or any Latin American in the States or Latin America to support this false prophet,” he said.

Obviously, it’s only really bad to collude with foreigners to beat democrats.

It’s worth pointing out, that the President is at liberty to divulge classified information. I’m sure other presidents have talked about classified information also. It’s the type of material and the manner which it was divulged which is important.

though he did tell Mr. McCabe that he might be able to persuade Attorney General Jeff Sessions and John F. Kelly, then the secretary of homeland security and now the White House chief of staff, to mount an effort to invoke the 25th Amendment.

If true that to me is pretty damning. It’s one thing to get Trump thrown out over a crime, and quite another to get him thrown out on the 25th because you don’t like the guy.

More speculation that even if it was said, nothing was going to come of it.

That’s only referring to wearing a wire. The reaching out to Sessions and Kelly cannot have been done sarcastically.


So the intelligence community makes a few mistakes and it automatically means that you can’t believe them and you HaVE to take intelligence advice from a hostile foreign power…

Are you fucking serious!?

Are you a fucking idiot?

Where in the hell do get that the than your delusional halfwit mind.

So the intelligence community makes a few mistakes that has cost thousands killed, tens of thousands wounded not to mentions the billions it will cost to car for them in their life time except the dems limit the amount of money spent of veterans while opening their arms to whoever crosses the border.

Where did I get that? YOU!

You tried to rebut my comment about Trump believing Putin over his intelligence community, with a comment about the mistakes that same community as made in the past.

If your point wasn’t to justify Trump believing Putin, then what was your point?

Glad we could agree.

Like when they said North Korea hacked Sony?

Yes? They charged North Korean hacker last year I believe.

What is your point?

McCabe is very blunt, that Rod was serious about trying to see how many people would be interested in invoking the 25th

Let’s see.

The special prosecutor jails a person for lying to him.

Moron boy lies to congress and gets a book deal.

Yep, justice is blind and proof the dual justice system exists.

Might want to look into it.