Senator Rand Paul has to remind the governor of Kentucky about the Constitution

Note: The people of Michigan today (as I write this) posed a mass protest against the (increasingly draconian!) measures imposed by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (who–no surprise here–is a Democrat). In short, they defied her orders. (This is known as Operation Gridlock.)

Why do you believe NH can open safely while MA can’t?

The reality is that because NH is a sales tax free state, and liquor is cheaper, people from MA will habitually cross the border…

Back to the OP, Paul has to be loving this!

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MASS has the 3rd highest cases and in top 10 in deaths . You knew that .
NH has near bottom .

I see you asserting it…
And I’m certain that you’ve fucked up the math, cause you’re a moron like that.


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When I show you, will you grab your AR and do the right thing?

Grow up asshole .

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fuck you, braindead geezer…

Your Manatee God says to grab the aquarium cleaner…

What’s the worst that could happen?

If not the Governor, who?

What is so special about superstition that we must go to such efforts to accommodate it?

Nobody but a DEMOCRAT would be stupid enough to use fish tank cleaner. And no one but a moron and a LIAR would try to pin that stupid stunt on Trump.

Hydroxchloriquine has saved hundreds of thousands of lives from the Pelosi Virus. Tell us again why that Adolf Eichmann mind of yours would want all those people dead, just because Hillary lost to the better man.

And you wonder why everybody says you’re a moron.


why don’t you come back with some links…

So now you’ve awarded “3rd most deaths” to 3 different states…

The logic of Supply Side really appeals to you, I bet.

(1) To ask “if not the [g]overnor, who” is on a par with the proverbial question: “Have you stopped beating your wife yet?”

Put more bluntly: I would suggest that no one should do this.

(2) To refer to Christianity as a mere “superstition” is certainly to beg the question. No logical person would accept this.

  1. No…and I would refer you to the “render onto Caesar” bit…

Corona doesn’t give a shit about your Ceiling Cat thing…fondle your damned snake at home and tik tok it to your fellow slack jaws.

  1. Yes, because nothing speaks to logic like guys riding Dinosaurs…

(1) Ancient Rome was not a democracy (or a federal republic); it was an autocracy–and unapologetically so.

Therefore, the “render under Caesar” thing seems a bit out of place in a system in which the people rule over the politicians (not the other way around).

(2) It is very difficult for me to respond here, as I have simply no idea just what you might mean by “guys riding [d]inosaurs.”

But I would imagine that it is merely a third-grade putdown, devoid of any serious thought…


May 1st is the date for States for States to open.

Personally, I don’t care if I never shake anyone’s hand again. My personal bubble space has forever been increased :grin:

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Don’t bother with this d-bag! He is a paid troll and never has any substance to offer in anything it posts here. Total waste of time!