Senate Republicans Once Again Demand Standalone Aid for Israel

Billions upon billions and deeper and deeper we go in debt with NO-ONE to advocate for the working stiff . Dummycrats find more and more ways to increase TAXES with little to NO resistance from OUR GOP . SAD

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There is no GOP/Republican/Conservative party… only the Uniparty. Republican is just a name used as a foil to the opposition while agreeing with them for monetary/power gain.


Unfortunately the GOP forgot their principles and the base !!!

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Globalism = Talmudism = Pharisee Judaism

911 and the war in Ukraine = work of the same culprits

Joos run the US government and the world with the money from the Fed which they own.

So simple and yet goyim don’t get it.
(Partially due to lies from the MSM which Joos own and run)

Not at all surprising they own the Senate and 98% of the house . They are the ONLY WHITE AMERICANS protected by our Civil Rights LAWS !