This is insane.
The ultimate right wing hate machine. No one in the media lied more then this guy. Second place Fox crap news , the fat guy told the truth 15% of the time and Fox Crap news told the truth about 1/3 of the time.
Rush is clearly in the middle of the road in terms of his views. If you think his content is anything other than center right, you haven’t seen anything.
Again, you are sharing your opinion without any sort of factual basis to back it up. We all know what they say about opinions, don’t we? They are just like something else…everyone has one and they all stink.
Anyone who proclaims to be able to predict God is… well? Just looking for some kind of pathetic attention.
You haven’t been here very long.
But I am having a good time. Won’t miss that fat guy at all. He is 100% hate just like your God and leader.
15% true 85% liesm just like the rest of the right wing.
Here\s the real question with Rush telling the truth just 15% of the time does pres turd man lie more then that , I think he does , hell he lies then tell the opposite in the same sentence he so brain dead dumb.
Sounds an awful lot like this guy!
Although I enjoyed listening to Limbaugh for years, I must say this.
He is a player of the Hegelian dialectic.
Left vs Right
Black vs White
Dem vs Rep
Christian vs Muslim
Pro-this-and-that vs Con-this-and-that
Who will be the winner in the end?
If he tells the truth 15% of the time, he’s “miles ahead” of Liberals.
So the turd world “squad” is your cup of tea . Haven you wondered what turd world demons are controlled them ?
Pitiful attempt from a hate group that wouldn’t exist without lies and distortions.