🇺🇸 Republican National Convention 2020

Trump is NOT an America First nationalist President. Sure that’s what 2016 Trump sold us but look at everyone he’s hired (globalist RINOs , Bush lackeys and Goldman Sachs stooges) and look at his actions.

He’s full Mitch McConnell RINO GOP now. Personally I think 2016 was a total con.

I wish that weren’t the case, but it is.


Are the Never Trumpers becoming more organized? At first when Trump rose in 2016, there were lots of voices. Then Trump took over the Party and most fell into line or just went silent. But with the impeachment, pandemic and economic crisis, it seems more are finding their voice and there seems to be funding for them.

Is this hierarchically organized or simply organic? The lack of any ‘elder statesmen’ at the RNC last week vs what we saw the week before at the DNC could indicate some organization along the lines of the ‘old boys network’.

This is all just in my head. I haven’t read anything that suggested or claimed there was any organizing. Has anybody else read/heard something about this???

Says the Low info voter who simply bought into the Republicans antithesis! I have yet see you make once convincing intelligent argument on this site because so far you just post and run away whenever challenged with hard facts. Ask why people want to vote for Trump! Start a civil conversation today. We talk about policies, Democrats talk about how much of a bad person Trump is. Night and Day! Here is your circus peanuts now run along little one!

Trump’s Approval Rises Nine Points Among Black Voters During RNC

President Donald Trump received a remarkable surge in black support during the Republican National Convention, a new poll has found. The latest Hill-Harris X poll , conducted August 22-25, shows 24 percent of registered black voters approve of President Trump, a jump of 9 points from the previous survey taken August 8-11.

Trump’s support from Hispanic voters also increased to 32 points, up from 30 points in the previous survey. In 2016, Trump won the election with 8 percent of the black vote and 29 percent of the Hispanic vote.

A Zogby poll published on Wednesday reported Trump’s approval at 52 percent. More narrowly, the president had a 36 percent approval rating with blacks, a 37 percent approval rating with Hispanics, and a 35 percent approval rating with Asians.

Since Republicans won’t do anything that isn’t self-serving each one of the never trumpers are competing for what’s left of the Republican party. I don’t even regard them as temporary allies since they’ve all spent their professional careers advocating for and trying to enforce anti-democratic principles serving crass oiligarchs. That their obstacle is also blocking any chance of decency for our side doesn’t really give us a common cause, we’d like that bad situation remedied so that society could benefit and they’re looking for personal advantage and what power they see loose enough to grab.

And democrats haven’t right? Hello! What cave do you currently reside in or is that your typical partisanship talking out of your ass again?

Who is advocating for violence?
Who is advocating for burning down businesses?
Who is advocating for silencing free Speech?
Who is advocating for murdering innocent children?
Who is advocating for false narratives?
Who is advocating for martyring criminals with criminal records?
Who is advocating for appeasing China?
Who is advocating for supporting Marxist organizations?
Who is advocating for continued pedophilia of innocent children?
Who is advocating for continued corruption within our Government by spying and violating citizens rights? Or by stealing money from the tax payers?
Who is advocating against Law and Order?
Who is advocating for looting in the streets?
Who is advocating for more wars?
Who is advocating for more entitlements and a two tier justice system?
Who is advocating for foreign Governments to interfere in our elections?
Who is advocating for impeachment on a false charge and suppressing evidence?
Who is advocating for suppression of the truth?
Who is advocating against free and fair elections?
Who is advocating for more illegal immigration?
Whose cities are currently burning and being destroyed? (all led by Democratically elected Mayors)

That is right! All fking Democrats that you support! So get the fk out of here with your Bullshit!

The way I figure it is, if Trump is decisively defeated, then these people are setting themselves up to step in and take over as the “saviors” of the party. If he wins, then I can’t see them getting back in - they have burned too many bridges and Trump never forgets a grudge. In which case, I see them trying to launch a new conservative party to replace the GOP. Which could be successful - there is still a significant contingent of GOPers who are more “never Dem” than they are pro-Trump. As long as Trump is their only option, they will follow him right off the cliff - complaining all the way about how he really isn’t “conservative”. But if they feel they have a viable alternative, a lot of them just might jump. Whether they would be enough or not would remain to be seen. But it could make the 2024 and 2028 election cycles very … interesting.

Don’t count on it! RINOS are being outed everyday especially the ones supported by the MIC and R&D lobbyists! Trump is the first President since I can remember that hasn’t started any wars, and sorry to say it will not remain that way if your insane support for Biden comes to fruition.

I can’t wait for this number to skyrocket after Trump wins again.

Christine Todd Whitman is leading a group of republicans for Biden.

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John Kasich is also another prominent Republican supporting Biden.

They were never conservatives to begin with. Most of them are butthurt because of the multinational lobbyists that contribute to their coffers were shut out due to changing policies in trade.

Especially COC!

You should try reading about the subject matter to gain perspective.

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