Redistribution at it's finest Subsidies have boosted Affordable Care Act’s enrollment

LOL… wait until you get fucked out of your job. Then we’ll see how you really feel. :joy:


. If you ever come to Boston every bill board you will see is steel my father hung 30 years ago, never come down, union wages earned … I’ll never take a dime from an industry that now hires based on race, gender and sex, I’m a merit man, I’ll die free.

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I respect that. What does that have to do with me and my generation?

Because you all ignored policies that protected the next generation, you took the money and ran like my father. Expecting the gov to protect. It didn’t, now what?

What do you do with stolen money?

Fuck you! Again… what are YOU going to do… pretend you are dating super models? pretend you are a CIA opertaive? pretend you are a guest on Fox “news”??? You need to take a hard look in the mirror before busting my balls about anything… pussy.

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Let’s continue to blame others for your generation’s failures, congrats you destroyed America.

Congrats… your generation continues to do the same.

Some people do not get it.

The generation before boomers are still collecting SS and will collect over 10X what they contributed, many 20X. Who set this in motion???
Franklin Roosevelt, a Democrat, introduced the Social Security (FICA) Program. He promised:
1.) That participation in the Program would be completely voluntary,
2.) That the participants would only have to pay 1% of the first $1,400 of their annual incomes into the Program,
3.) That the money the participants elected to put into the Program would be deductible from their income for tax purposes each year,
4.) That the money the participants put into the independent “Trust Fund” rather than into the General operating fund, and therefore, would only be used to fund the Social Security Retirement Program, and no other Government program, and,
5.) That the annuity payments to the retirees would never be taxed as income.
Pre Boomers.

Lyndon Johnson and the Democratically-controlled House and Senate took Social Security from the independent “Trust” fund and put it into the General fund so that Congress could spend it.
Pre Boomers.

The Democratic Party. eliminated the income tax deduction for Social Security (FICA) withholding?

The Democratic Party, with Al Gore casting the “tie-breaking” deciding vote as President of the Senate, while he was Vice President started taxing Social Security annuities

Check the years this was done.

Jimmy Carter and the Democratic Party: Immigrants moved into this country, and at age 65, began to receive SSI Social Security payments! The Democratic Party gave these payments to them, even though they never paid a dime into it!

Pre boomer.

Cola added 1975.

The stupidity goes on and on.

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He is a boomer himself who projects his self denial to everyone here. The reality is he is a fat 60 year old pizza maker who likes to overcompensate for his insecurities and deficiencies by inventing his many adventurous fantasies he wishes to be or live!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Yep. I collect SS. I had no intention of doing so until I was 70. Unfortunately, my government decided to foist a fake pandemic on us. My industry was destroyed and I was out of a job that I worked 28 years at.

I had / have no choice but to collect what I have paid into for my whole working career. I am now being chastized by many on here for doing so. Fuck all of them.

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Younger than you. Boomer

Maybe you can help me with this because I am a little unclear. The generation that was before 'Boomers" is called what? “The Greatest Generation”?

How about people born in the 70’s?

I guess what I am asking is the years when people are born and the designation of such monikers to label a generation is what I am confused about. I hear and read different interpretations of this.

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Yes Fk them all. You worked for it, you earned it and you have every right to collect what you paid into. You got nothing to apologize for nor for feel guilty or ashamed about!

People make it sound like collecting SS as the same as collecting Welfare.

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Thank you brother. I really appreciate that.

I’m not proud of collecting SS. It took me a long time… and a lot of cajoling from friends and family to finally apply for it. I still work full time… because I’m still able to. I would feel guilty if I just stayed home and collected SS, knowing I can still work.

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The one thing about SS is that is suppose to be available as a retirement fund for everyone that has paid into it. It has been stigmatized and misused over the years by our politicians in their shell game in order to disguise their failures addressing fiscal responsibility and entitlement spending. Changes need to be made in order to make it solvent but I have little hope that it will be done.

The problem I have with SS is that people who have made a certain amount enough where they don’t need it when they retire, but still try to collect is where I take issue with. Their argument is: “well I paid into it, so its my money! Why shouldn’t I collect?” IMO this is nothing more than greed and with a generation of people who are currently set to retire or approaching the retirement age is a large number and is going to be a huge problem for the solvency of SS going into the future.

Things like setting up private accounts and having a system in place where citizens can actually build up equity and use those accounts to put a down payment on a house for example, is a system that works in places like Singapore and Hong Kong and are successful programs that coincide with affordable healthcare as well. The problem is our Government and their lack of forward thinking or the fact they are too focused on things like social issues based on race, gender, blah blah blah to care about actually working together to fix such problems is why we never get anything meaningful in terms of legislation that fixes the problems we are dealing with now.

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I agree 100% with this. This is why I had such a hard time with accepting SS. I work full time, but it isn’t enough to live on. SS isn’t enough to live on. I need both at this time in my life to make it. It’s just the reality of it.

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Apparently you are still incapable of reading, MORON.

Your are collecting and it is why you paid into SS since you began working. Some people realize that the rules will change as our politicians over the decades have completely screwed over the American workers.

The anger directed at you and every BOOMER is unjustified as much of the surplus over the years was the excess BOOMERS paid into the system and squandered by the politicians, it’s called jealousy. Unfortunately congress continues to kick the can down the road ignoring the coming disaster.

It likely will not end well.

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Unfortunately Congress has bastardized the system. Spouses that paid in nothing collects on their husbands account. Children collect when a parent dies until they are 18. Children collect when a parent is disabled. I have a cousin who has never worked and claims disability on my uncles account. We now have COLA. Illegals can collect SS benefits. The list goes on and people wonder why SS is unsustainable.

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The fact that the Government is giving away our money to a group of people who never paid in the system to begin with is complete utter nonsense. I seriously doubt this crap would have flied 60+ years ago when the public in general would have marched straight into DC with pitch forks. Now? Now we get an apathetic public that is too afraid of it own shadow to oppose such absurdities, but instead the public is content to go online on social media and complain is about the extent of such protests in the modern era! Totally ridiculous!

In another way to look at this, just what you outlined is by definition is the “Cloward-Piven Strategy” being implemented in order to overwhelm and crash the system and replace it with something different. People like Susan Rice and Obozo have been known to embrace this idea in order to usher in a more socialist type of Governance to America. When one looks at the aggregate of all the issues and distractions taking place within this country and this admin’s response to crisis after crisis, then it starts to make sense where it is we are headed with sinister intent by the ruling elite.

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