Official Coronavirus Non-Political Thread: Facts and Updates ⛑

And there is more

Makes little difference. You don’t want that shit in your body, or the body of your child.

Hmm? You see what is going on here?


The whole plandemic and death jab were planned more than 20 years ago.

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Some jabs are designed to kill on the spot, while other jabs are designed to give cancer and other “chronic diseases” (slow kill).

Either way, it’s the slaughter of the innocent (and stupid).

I think there is also other factors such as genetics that play a role at the rate people get sick or eventually die off after taking the vaccine of course. Do you know if SINOVAC (the Chinese Vaccine) is being administered in Japan?

Also where do you think this whole thing is headed? Whats the end game look like in your view?

The Chinese vaccine is not available in Japan (as far as I know).

I also think that a lot of vaxxed people will die sooner or later. I just don’t know how many. Clif High mentioned 1.5 billion (if I remember) and other people come up with different figures. It probably depends on the availability of new space age medical technologies which will save those who have been force-vaxxed against their will.

Deep down, those willingly vaxxed people don’t want to live under a new paradigm because that’s outside their comfort zone.

The end game will be the new earth. It sounds very New-Agey but that’s where we are headed. Old values (honored by the Native peoples in the Americas, Australia, etc) will be revived — not by education authorities, governments and such, but awakened (not woke LOL) people will know without being told.

New economic and monetary systems, based more on local self-sustaining communities, without fake banking and funny money, wouldn’t pollute the environment and destroy nature, because such systems will produce and supply only what is required and not in excess to be wasted.

Sinovac is the pharmaceutical company CoronaVac is the vaccine. China has distributed more vaccines around the world including Sinopharm than any other country. But they are not distributing it to Japan who probably doesn’t want it. It’s odd to me that Japan has been distributing the British and US vaccines around Southeast Asia and India when only about 25% of Japanese are vaccinated.

No-one here calls it "CORONAVAC dumbass. Here you are again as a know it all trying your hand at something you are completely not informed about. You don’t live in ASIA so why is that you think you know more than someone who actually does? Classic Montecrusty! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Odd how Didge ignores that part….:thinking:

Ever heard of vagal response?

On second thought, I am laughing about how silly my question is, thinking: Why would the Japanese trust the Chinese for any vaccine. "Nanjing revenge ya know? :joy: :joy: :joy:

This is pretty crazy on so many levels I don’t know where to begin with trying to unravel the numbers, but I think what you provided is probably a conservative estimate IMO.

I definitely see some kind of version happening like this. There are already people who have been warning the rest of us for years now (Preppers) that life was going in this direction and to get out of the cities and start becoming self sufficient. Growing food, becoming part of communities that think the same way and start a support system with your neighbors etc. Luckily for me, my family still has a lot of land on the reservation in both Montana and SD so returning there soon is actually starting to look better and better everyday.

I can also see some plausibility of this happening, especially now that the CB’s are all moving towards Crypto and paper money will become less and less in circulation over time. It will be Governments answer to institute a hard-line to control all of commerce through out the world and to control people as well. There will be a lot of people that will fall off the grid and be what is referred to the ones living on the fringe.

Kind of like this:

In some places due to the supply shortages and COVID it is already been happening in certain places.

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Actually the FDA is responsible for approving drugs, not the MSM….:roll_eyes:

None of this will come to pass……:wink:

Look at Montecrusty desperately wanting to be heard and remain relevant! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

It must suck being the house clown that no one listens to! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Even with the trump vaccines it’s a long haul……