Michigan nothing good happens there

What is wrong with you people? There’s a pandemic. A virus that could kill millions. Most historical precedents show that stuff like this could last for decades and kill a shit ton of people, so governments are freaking the fuck out, because, regardless of all your conspiracy fantasies, the people in power are still humans and don’t want a whole bunch of dead bodies, especially if they could eventually become one of the dead bodies.

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Yeah? Have fun living on the plantation or attending your nearest FEMA camp! Sheep like you always follow the herd!

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Seems there is a little problem with the model and in the US the prediction went to 100-200K. Today it’s 60K.

Exactly what are you referring to???

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Whataboutism isn’t always a fallacy or semantic dodge.

The hysterics who go on and on about the extra deaths caused by the panda-demic are quick to indignation when asked if they ever felt the same crusading righteousness to stop other death-dealing facts of life.

It’s a fair question. Car accidents kill 30-40K Americans every year. We can save these lives if we ban automobiles. Would the shrieking covidiots who suddenly have a bleeding heart for every tragic nursing home death agree to that? After all, banning cars is not any more extreme than the grinding halt we’ve had since mid-March.

Somehow, I doubt the maniacs pushing for a year-long lockdown have ever considered the benefits of banning cars. Conclusion: they have blood on their hands.

Look, it’s a good thing to try reasonable measures to thwart the sweep of a novel virus, but the response should be commensurate with the actual threat, and covid is not in the same league as some of history’s worst pandemics.


We’re in a very bad place. In a society apparently dedicated to kowtowing to the feelings of every aggrieved group imaginable, it’s not yet clear that our leaders are possessed of the probity required to start things up again. It’s much easier to do nothing but bleat about what might happen if we restart too soon.

There is something else going on, Covid is real, but it’s a flu virus…

It’s more similar to an enhanced (ahem) cold virus.

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What do you think hides behind this Covid?

I think it’s probably been nailed already: Wuhan lab is screwing around with viruses, as they do at a level 4 biosafety lab. Either they accidentally let it out, which is likely to happen in an unethical, immoral society where hygiene is lacking even among the highest of their elite. Or they released it on purpose. Same effect.

As far as the actual pathophysiology, I think the end solution is probably going to end up being antivirals rather than hydroxychloroquine. And an effective vaccine might end up being out of reach for a really, really long time. Years.

With that said, we need to get used to these circumstances. This is likely to become a recurring thing, and it’ll split society (like everything does) into deniers and whatever the opposite of that is.

That might be an unpopular opinion, but take it for what it is. I’ve had the same avatar here from day one - I spent the majority of my career in bio-defense and bio-warfare.

It’s an old way to reason: ask a question to find the principle rationale for an action, belief, or preference. Unfortunately, nobody reads Plato anymore, so they don’t know that whatabouting can be a good faith way to understand why two people disagree.

I use it hear often and it usually results in a screeching meltdown.

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Well looks like that was blown out of proportion . Why aren’t you screaming about these numbers ?
Heart disease 600,000
Cancer 600,000
Injuries 160,000
respiratory disease 160,000
Stroke 140,000
Alzheimers 120,000
Diabetes 80,000
Influenza and pneumonia 57,000
Kidney disease 50,000
Suicide 48,000


Your greatest concern should be if we wait too long there will be NOTHING to startup !

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Exactly. I don’t really like the car accident analogy that I used and as you pointed out there are much better examples. Heart disease kills 600,000 Americans each year. Cancer kills another 500,000 to 600,000. Diabetes, strokes, and other problems downstream from obesity cause another few hundred thousand.

And here’s the thing: all those things are preventable. Far more preventable than COVID. Millions of people are dying because of what they eat. If health and mortality are the conversation, car accidents, the flu, Covid19, whatever are just drops in the bucket. Nobody mentions or seems to notice that roughly 1 million Americans have died so far this year from heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, and cancer. The vast majority of these are caused by diet and to a lesser extent lifestyle. Where’s the multi-trillion stimulus, and draconian government intervention to stop people poisoning themselves literally to death with shitty food? You’d think if any of these people actually cared about the health and well-being of the populace, COVID would be pretty far down the list of concerns.

The ironic thing is the number one priority during this virus hysteria is ensuring people still have access to the same shitty food that is killing them with heart disease and cancer, and which actually makes them more susceptible to the very virus they are trying to mitigate.

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A level 4 lab operating at a level -5
the 2003 SARS epidemic, China constructed the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory (Level -5) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, in 2015.
These dumb-dumbs play with Ebola, Marburg Hemorrhagic Fever, Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever, Lassa Fever, SARS, Avian Influenza A (H5N1), Rift Valley Fever, and Nipah and Hendra viral diseases, have emerged and re-emerged, posing serious threats to public health. And have had many "accidents "

It is a good thing given the information we had at the time.

Now, we know it is nowhere near what we thought it was. However, there were very deadly strains upon emergence. Thankfully, they have mutated into being something akin to the seasonal flu.

However, China is still to blame for the introduction of it as well as the cover up. Because we now have this PLUS the seasonal flu.

We will recover from this and be stronger and wiser for it.

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I doubt it was released on purpose. However, the fact of the matter is they are continuing to screw around with viruses without the safety protocols in place.

They reopened the wet markets (which they blamed) with the blessings of W.H.O.

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Well…we just don’t know yet, which was the context of my comment. Regardless of how it got out the outcome is the same.

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How it got out matters. It isn’t something to be dismissed.

Lives have been lost that would never have been lost but for this.

People have lost their jobs, their life savings and we are 25 trillion in debt now.

Don’t fall into the trap of trivialising the role China played in this.

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And now…

A message from the Governor (of Michigan).
(Not really) :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


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All those deaths added together pale in comparison to…