Massive Militia 2nd Amendment Rally To Take Place At Virginia Capitol On January 20th 2020

Good rundown. Our entire involvement in this area needs to be getting information out to the masses. Between this and Drag Queen Story Hour (yes I am putting the two together for can any other two items symbolize more how are ruling elite wish to transform our society other than disarmed populus being forced to conform to trans?).

The majority of the population in my experience are unaware of either occurring which is where the msm power elite wish it to remain until it’s too far gone.

We need to keep spreading this info to the masses.

Folks, Virginia is the trial balloon. If they get away with gun confiscation in VA, it is game over. Then the Bolsheviks and American traitors will know that they can go on without fear of reprisals.

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Don’t talk down to me. You’re losing. No one supports your racial theories, and no one in America hates their neighbor as much as you think we do. You clearly hold massive hatred towards your fellow countrymen and I’m assuming after the boog you can’t wait for the day of the rope to come next. Most people are not as hateful towards other people as you, or at the very least your beliefs, are. I agree with you, liberals suck, lgbt being taught to kids is bad, abortion is murder (although I’d bet a few bucks that you support it when it’s used on minorities if you’re truly a /pol/tard like you act) but I don’t think right wing death squads and killing them all is the solution. Maybe I’m making too many assumptions and equating you to the average /pol/tard. But you fit the type how you talk and the points you push so far.

The choice isn’t “Between this and Drag Queen Story Hour” the world isn’t black and white.

And what’s your point anyway? any reasonable person would agree drag queen storytime is a bad idea. They’ll agree with you up to that point. But when you say “yeah so I think we need right wing death squads to put the trannies in their place. the holocaust never happened and we all need to fight white genocide” you’ll lose anyone you were about to turn onto the arguably better side.

Oy vey! Please go calm down and listen to some Ben Shapiro praise Israel and talk about how identity politics is bad. :israel:

And how isn’t it bad? Please,share one(1) reason.

Protip: you cannot complete this task

Oh - I am sure they can. There are plenty of Ben Shapiro threads here. If y’all want to talk about this sort of thing then go do it on another thread. @Ravioli @GoodGoy @DaFuq


Wow, these old dudes are pretty pissed. Let’s see if they are passed being NPCs.

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It’s conspiracy nut nonsense that gets trotted out every few years. they are en route from the manufacturer to shipping points for overseas transit.

Same pictures they keep using as well every few years.

Just an altered version of the exact same photos from 2016, 2012, and 2009.

Yeah that did seem a little odd to me, especially considering why would the UN be called in for a job that would supersede US sovereignty? Not only would that be highly embarrassing for the US but I can’t imagine a scenario where that would even be possible, only if one was buying what the loonie Glen Beck was selling! Lol!

Fair enough - a friend of mine texted me with the info. No big deal.

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I fall for shit like that now and then…coming from friends! :rofl:

I see you just arrived from Reddit. Welcome!

As a Northern Virginian, I can tell you in the context of the behavior of Virginia Democrats that race and demographics does matter. They used race and demographics to flip the state blue and now they are using it to take our guns. It’s central to the issue. So go and celebrate diversity elsewhere, weakling. Calling people “tards” in your first few posts tells me you are nothing but a virtue signaling leftist posing as a conservative. Divide and conquer shills are easy to spot.


You can jump up and down and stamp your feet and pull your hair out and call something unconstitutional, but until the courts rule it so you can end up in jail for it.

Try it. Post a vid of yourself with an unregistered machine gun on YouTube and dare the authorities to do something because you say the NFA is unconstitutional. See how far that gets you.


A tyrant - like someone who refused to leave office even if an election didn’t turn out in their favor?

That’s the best you can do?

Our constitution specifically leaves the final say in the hands of “The People”.

When gov’t fails us to such a degree that a large enough majority is fed up with us we can amend The Constitution without them being able to do anything to stop us.

The same people who refuse to make any sacrifice for family or children demand that we sacrifice our civilization for strangers.

This is all about demographics.


Yup that’s the political process. Just remember that “the people” might go a different direction than the one YOU want.

In this specific case tho, I think you are failing to see the problem. There is already a constitutional amendment that allows us to keep and bear arms, yet the scenario I described (NFA infractions) still holds.

Go ahead and tout your non-compliance with the NFA and see where you end up. The reason is because courts have not struck down that particular law as unconstitutional. You and I personally can scream till our faces turn blue about the 2nd amendment and the unconstitutionality of that law, but it still can and will be enforced against us until courts strike it down.

That’s just how the process works.

This brings me back to my original question - of all the 2A sanctuaries, which are willing to go on record as willing to look the other way on NFA infractions, regardless of whether or not the Virginia Commonwealth decides to pass Draconian gun laws?


That’s the trouble with terms like “Patriot”, it means different things to different people. To me it means supporting the US Constitution over political party or personal desire and supporting US common law as the wisdom of The People (even if I may not agree with much of it personally).