The traitors, all those that attacked America yesterday, and those that think the mob of terrorists are patriots, and consider America to be a rat infested shit hole sewer, can get the fuck out…NOW!!!
The Commiecrats have plotted this as soon as Trump was declared the winner 4 yrs ago. Along with collaboration of the editors of the Pravdas across the country and ABETTED by the Goebel Propagandists within the Commiecrat Party, they have divided people in this country. They are celebrating with their brie and chablis while watching yesterdays demonstration.
The Commiecrats will never own up to censuring President Trump on social media and continue their attempts at violating our Constitutional rights.
Come 1/20/ 21 when Joseph Stalin Biden becomes the FRAUDULENT PRESIDENT,our country will become the PEOPLES DEMOCRATIC OF CHINA-USA.
The PPACA was passed lawfully.
Trump cost republicans the White House and the senate and they’re dropping his fat ass in the grease today, dropping from him like flies…
And Nutty Nsncy said we have to pass it to know whats in it.A real truthful statement.
Donald J Trump is the BEST president since Ronald Reagan. GOD BLESS PRESIDENT TRUMP AND FAMILY!!!
Monte, I hope you will insult Tojo Biden like you have President Trump.
LOL… do you even know how hypocritical you are???
I will actually agree with you on this. The right was treated no differently than the left by Trump. A lot of them wanted him gone because he disrupted the status quo. And neither party likes that…lol. This is why I always say that both parties are corrupt as hell… different sides of the same coin.
That is not going to happen. A lot of people have doubts about this election and are being told to sit down and shut up. Much like when Obamacare was passed.
In order to restore confidence in our elections, we need to have very strict voter ID laws. Mail in ballots should not be allowed unless they are requested and verified.
When the government takes everything away, what do you have left to survive but the government. Isn’t that the goal?
A lot of people do, not just me.
Yes. I do…
I’m not sure, LouMan.
I think emotions are too high right now. It’s been one hell of a year.
Let things settle a bit. Take a step back.
You must, for it is truth…
Yep, which contradicted your assertion that you don’t support the mob violence at the capital yesterday…
That is pretty obvious but who is going to make it so if the system is already rigged to prevent change? As Einstein once said “you can’t solve a problem by using the same methods that created them in the first place”
It’s up to “We the People” now’ and you know where this is headed!
Glad to see employers firing Trump mobsters recognized in videos…
Kilmead says the presidents behavior has been horrible since the election…
They’re all running from that maniac who attacked America yesterday…
The DC Police are worse than the ANTIFA-BLM Brown Shirts they were ordered to support and protect. One innocent Air Force member gets murdered by a Chinese Deep State Operative; and another DC Swamp Creature under the guise of being an LEO protecting the CCP is heralded as someone to cherished. Enough already!
Violence and rage is part and parcel of the Human Spirit, and no amount of Social Engineering will ever breed it of them. Sometimes in the Course of Human History getting to the Truth requires War, and this time is no exception. We didn’t start the Fires. But we’ll damn sure be the Ones to eventually put them out!! Amen!!!
I don’t support any violence. How did you draw the conclusion that I do?
A good question and I’m sure many are pondering solutions.
Yeah! Good luck with that, as I said before this is an untenable situation especially for a number like 80 million pissed off disenfranchised voters. Democrats are now out making their rounds advocating more lock downs, going after our guns and sending Trump supporters to the gulags? Hmm? They wanted power and now they intend to use it to punish Trump and his supporters. Keep your powder dry as the saying goes!