How Well Do You Know The Constitution?

Do you disagree? Most were there to protest the removal of the statue of Robert E. Lee and were doing so peacefully.

They were there as well. So were counter protesters. Do you think all of the counter protesters were violent or do you think many were peacefully counter protesting?

There were people on both sides who were peaceful and there were jackasses on both sides as well.

If you cannot agree with that, then it would be understandable the one sided interpretation you take on what Trump said.

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They were there primarily to protest the removal of statues of racist white men. Robert E. Lee was a racist and a traitor to the United States.

No. Spreading hate is an act of intimidation and aggression. There were brave people on one side opposing hate and racism. The other side deserves no sympathy… and no quarter.

I’m never going to agree with supporting racists and Nazis.

He is a part of our history.
You cannot erase history regardless of how you feel about it or you are doomed to repeat it.

Not wanting historical monuments removed or history and PEACEFULLY protesting that is not spreading hate. It is everyone’s right to protest regardless of whether you agree with it or not.

You don’t have to. I’m not going to support or agree with them either. Nor am I going to support or agree with people who want to silence them.

I assume you joined a free speech site because you agree with … free speech?

No one can erase history. but we can choose what history we recognize and celebrate and what history we don’t.

Did you listen to the video? Why don’t you listen to the words of the protesters. They weren’t peacefully protesting either, they were carrying torches to recreate a Nazi march and were trying to incite violence. They also were celebrating a deeply racist figure. There is nothing peaceful about that. It was intentional agitation and provocation. We defeated and killed the Nazis, remember?

Then you are naively encouraging hate speech. Let’s be clear, hate speech is not free speech.

Right, I joined a free speech site. See above.

I watched the video. What’s wrong with recognizing and celebrating the achievements of white people?

These statues were erected mainly back in the late 1800’s to honor individuals who both committed treason and fought to protect the wretched institution of slavery. The statues should be placed in museums that tell the truth about these men. It’s not erasing history to remove them from their public places. Who would want to erase the history of these wretched men.

Hey Sally, have you always hated America or did this kind of view of things slowly seep in?

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Who gets to choose what history we recognize? Are you also going to protect school children from learning history because you only want what is celebrated and recognized?

Words are just words. There are plenty of offensive words said everyday. The counter protestors said offensive things and were very much a part of the violence.

And you are suppressing freedom of speech. Again, there was hateful rhetoric on both sides.
I don’t agree with either.

That is an evasion of my question. Do you or do you not believe in freedom of speech? If you do, then you must apply it to both sides regardless of whether you like it or not or how repulsive it is.

You’ll just be labeled anti American now as there will be no rebuttal…

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You either are for freedom of speech or you are not. Freedom of speech is not, “I don’t like that so I’m going to silence them.”

Don’t worry I’m only getting started. This place used to be 10 times more insane.

But let’s not derail the topic and get things back on track.

You are acting like there has never been a restriction placed on the freedom of speech in this country.

Your opinion of yourself is much greater than mine.

You are new here so your point of reference is lacking.

Give an inch take a mile? :laughing:

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You think treason and defending slavery are achievments?

One cannot choose a side without knowing something of both. Erasing all historical evidence of slavery does nothing but rob people who have yet to be born of the knowledge of its existence. You propose to create safe spaces by denying future snowflakes the knowledge of bad things that happened throughout history.

I suppose you’re one that applauds the removal of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn from some libraries because it had the word ■■■■■■ in it.

Rewriting history does nothing to change history. People who favor it are low IQ chickenshits.

Robert E. Lee was a great military genius and worthy of study. Slavery was legal and many of our founding fathers were slave owners.

Without knowledge of the deplorable things that are part of our history, one cannot truly appreciate the good things we have now.


Maybe he was previously here under another name and got a thousand year suspension! :rofl:


Which ones would want to protect the constitutional republic?
I can count only two.

Interesting! You are not American yet you seem to want to assert yourself as being a subject matter expert on our constitution and our history! Imagine that!

Just like you pretend to be an expert on China (without knowing the Chinese language).

I actually am fluent in Mandarin and lived in China unlike you who makes up bullshit all the time! Which of course has nothing to do with this thread Digipoopoo!

So the question remains how you come to be an expert of our constitution when you are not a citizen? It would be like me trying to pretend I am an expert at knowing your culture and your country’s constitution without ever living there for a considerable time. Pretty presumptuous on your part to pretend to know!