How to bankrupt a NATION

Many moons ago I took sociology but I had to give it up because it made no sense. It was a totally fake science. Same for cultural anthropology and economy.

Right. Economy is nothing but smoke and mirrors for the ruling class. The Wall Street crash in 1929 was engineered and subsequent FDR policies were planned destruction of the American middle class. FDR, like his namesake wife, was a communist, you know. This Trotskist / Zionist tradition still rules much of America today.

The foreclosure process seen a notable rise of 4 percent from a year ago. Several states experienced a surge in foreclosure starts with New Hampshire leading the pack with a 43 percent increase.
This is common when dems are in office remember the peanut farmer ?
Unfortunately the American voter canā€™t learn from history either. Everytime Democrats are in control, disaster is the result.

Tax, spend & regulate! Thatā€™s the Dems tagline, -or should be. There is a mindset of, ā€œI know more & better than everyone elseā€, and itā€™s shared by Dems and Right Wingers and commies and really, all persuasions of mankind. How they apply it in life makes all the difference. The Left; in all their iterations follow-up that thought with, ā€œā€¦and I need to prove it to others by being in-charge and telling everyone else how to conduct their lives & businessā€¦ā€ The Right in all our variations on the theme turn towards, ā€œā€¦and I need to prove it by conducting my life in a way that demonstrates that to others.ā€ If the Right way demonstrates we are self-sufficient and does not interfere with other peopleā€™s ability to conduct their own life free of interference from us, that pretty much sums it up. The Right expects a reciprocal relationship with all others: I demand no freedoms for myself that I do not grant to all others; and, I assign no duties or obligations to others that I do not expect of myself. The Left would concur with that; and then add a list of things other people need to do to come up to their standards. They forget that other people are entitled to their own values & standards.

I tell my grandchildren (as we are driving someplace and see someone driving badly), ā€œā€¦If other people have to change the way they drive because of the way I drive; then Iā€™m doing it wrong.ā€

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The Dem Party is looking more and more like a religious organization, for whom truth does not matter. Itā€™s actually a planned condition: satanistsā€™ dream come true. (Karl Marx was a satanist with an alter in his home in front of which he did strange rituals.)

I would say more and more like a satanic organization or perhaps the new woke Catholic religion with Abortions , gender bending , pedophilias prest , etc.
People donā€™t know what the Catholic Church stands for any more as the religion. Youā€™ll also find an LGBTQ flag outside most churches .
Leviticus 20:13, which state that it is an abomination for a man to lie with another man as he would with a woman. In Romans 1:26-27, Apostle Paul says that homosexuality is contrary to Godā€™s natural order and results from rejecting God. Additionally, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 lists homosexuality as one of the sins that will prevent someone from entering the Kingdom of God.
Did the church abandon there bible to be WOKE ?

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And they manage to spend far more than they tax and they are taxing the average working stiff to bankruptcy !
From 1970 to 2017, the number of words in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) nearly tripled from 35 million to over 103 million. This increase in regulation reduced economic growth and drastically lowered Americansā€™ incomes, evidence shows that regulation has especially harmful effects on the country .

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