Gas is up market is down, millions out of work

We posted evidence stop trolling here, if you want to debate merit let’s do it, but stop posting bull shit

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There’s that, and the fact that the Keystone Pipeline was blocked by SCOTUS…

But dishonest people will continue to blame Biden….

Link……. Link …… link

The ONLY difference between socialism and communism is how each party comes into power,.

It wasn’t an insult. It was a question. And it wasn’t the ONLY content of that post. The other part was documentation showing Sanders to be a communist. Perhaps you should post less and read more. It’s obvious you don’t really know anything.

# Keystone XL Pipeline Is Officially Dead Thanks To Biden Killing Permit

Biden did it. He’s guilty. And you know it.

Yes, Biden cancelled the permit, thank goodness. But the Supreme Court had already upheld a halt to the project……And you know that….:wink:

And a very insulting question, as you well know….
Talk to me with the same respect with which I talk to you, taking any contrarian view that you wish and we can have a discussion….

Biden killed so many jobs… many are committing suicide because of Joe Biden and Democrats

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Who wrote this a commie lol come on dude … are you this naïve?

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So you are okay with the POOR having to pay an extra dollar a gallon for gasoline, huh?

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We ARE having a discussion. I bring up facts and truth and you dispute them. That’s called a discussion. I ask hard questions. It takes at least an equal intellect with mine to respond to hard questions without breaking down and crying and looking for a safe space.

Truth hurts. The measure of a mature adult is the ability to accept the truth regardless of how disappointing.

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Your source is pitifully WRONG. In a socialist regime, there is no such thing as private property. Here are RELIABLE links from the finest economics minds of all time.
The Common Definition of Socialism

The Oxford English Dictionary defines socialism as:

A political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Private property thus is an important part of capitalization within the economy. Socialist economists are critical of private property as socialism aims to substitute private property in the means of production for social ownership or public property.

Likewise, Is Canada a socialist country?

Socialism in Canada has a long history and along with conservatism and liberalism is a political force in Canada. In its early days, Canada’s socialist movement gained momentum in Western Canada.

Also, Why are socialists suspicious of private property?

Socialists were against the institution of private property because they felt that it was the basis of all the social troubles . … Therefore, socialist wanted the whole population to control the property rather than an individual so that more attention would be paid to collective social interests.

And this from the most BRILLIANT economist in the entire history of the world.

In 1920 Mises presented his famous essay on socialism, which would change, and
eventually destroy, the whole scientific case for Marxist socialism (Mises 1990).
Afterward, no one could seriously defend that doctrine. Mises argued that socialism
cannot be effectively organized because of the “calculation problem.” He based his
analysis on the comparison of central planning to the private property regime. Here
is a brief summary of his argument.
Socialism means the abolition of private property. More precisely—it means an
outright nationalization, that is, a compulsory creation of one owner, which is to be
sustained by compulsory measures

It was around the mid 90s when business entrepreneur/economist Rupert Murdoch CORRECTLY defined the fringe left push today as NEO-SOCIALISM. That’s where the government allows private ownership (thus relieving it of the burden of actually having to create those means of production) with FULL CENTRAL GOVERNMENT CONTROL.

The failings of our economy are traced SOLELY to government and political intervention into the means of production. The successes of our economy are ONLY due to private property free market CAPITALISM, which raises all boats, raises the standard of living for everyone.

Woke goose steppers like you want the exact opposite. Your ideas have been tried in Venezuela, Cuba, the Soviet Union, and other socialist shitholes. Your ideas have been a miserable failure.

There is NOTHING unique or even compassionate about a socialist model. It is a top down system where a few rich elites dictate to a country in poverty. Every time a DemoNazi becomes president, our standard of living drops. Carter, KKKLinton, the KENYAN VILLAGE IDIOT, Jim Crow Joe, ALL did immense damage to the American economy and our way of life.

What has stopped them from turning this place into Venezuela is the fact that most of America doesn’t support socialism.

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Rupert Murdoch…….:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

You’re still wrong, and like Didge you’re digging back a century…

Try this out. Find me anyone today that’s relevant that’s advocating a system that looks like Venezuela, Cuba or the Soviet Union. Quote a contemporary proponent of socialism that supports the abolition of private property. The US is an evolving state and socialist initiatives have compounded throughout our history already. Taxing the collective and then distributing goods and services started very small and has grown to where it is today. One difference is that in America we don’t tax enough to pay for all the goods and services that Americans want and have come to expect. We do much of it on borrowed money. Which is why not even Donald Trump who braggingly lromised he’d pay off the national debt and run balanced budgets couldn’t do so….

And I’ll warn you once more to avoid the personal insults or you’ll be ignored going forward….hear?

The US has a long history of subsidizing the fossil fuel industry and keeping prices artificially below true production costs. Historically this has helped stymie R&D of renewables. That’s changing however. Some of the biggest investors in renewables are the fossil fuel companies and the automobile manufacturers. For example, the Biden administration consulted the automobile industry before developing the latest initiative to have half of all automobiles be hybrid or electric by 2030 with the full support of the industry…

If keeping gas prices low come at the expense of importing crude from Canada and the hazards that come with it then no.

Where do poor people work when all the businesses close because of these taxes?
Will take it slowly through this education

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Where do you think the components for hybrid cars are made? Again we’re going to take this real slow for you so you get a good education

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