Denouncing “Black Lies Matter“ Official Thread!👿

Put another dufus into the peanut gallery. Maybe Nia has found a boyfriend.

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Do white lives matter too ? How many times have YOU said YOU are sorry for being white ? I guess you too believe every white person is prilegded even the dirt poor ones . How many times have YOU repeated the LIE "HANDS UP DON’T SHOOT " ? F YOU !!!

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This came from a Washington Times Opinion Editorial back in July 2013.

Black Panther Minister King Samir Shabazz, otherwise known as Maurice Heath, was one of the people engaging in voter intimidation. He also was featured in a January 2009 video proclaiming to a black audience, “You want freedom? You’re gonna have to kill some Krackers! You’re gonna have to kill some of their babies!” Mr. Shabazz added, “I hate white people - all of them! Every last iota of a Kracker, I hate ‘em.” The Washington Times’ Kerry Picket reported last summer on Jerry Jackson, another accused Black Panther and an elected member of Philadelphia’s 14th Ward Democratic Party committee. His interests, according to his MySpace page, are: “BLACK POWER, BLACK LOVE, BLACK UNITY, BLACK MINDS, KILLIN CRAKKKAS.” These are the kind of violent black extremists that Attorney General Eric Holder’s Justice Department is coddling.

Despite claims of systematic privileged white racism enslaving blacks, like many other crime ridden failing cities Chicago is actually run by blacks.

1. 1,595 shootings January-June 2020. Almost every shooter was black, ( As were the majority of the victims) but BLM and Chicago politicians blame police and racism.

2. The Chicago mayor is black.

3. The Superintendent of Police is black.

4. The Cook County States’ Attorney is black

5. The Chief Judge of Cook County Circuit Courts is black.

6. The Illinois Attorney General is black.

7. The Chicago Fire Department Commissioner is black.

8. The Cook County Board President is black.

9. The State Senate Majority Leader is black.

10. The Illinois Lieutenant Governor is black.

11. The Illinois Secretary of State is black. (He is OK)

12. The Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County is black.

13. The Cook County Clerk is black.

14. The Chicago Treasurer is black.

15. The Chicago Police Board President is black.

16. The Chicago Transit Authority President is black.


Everyone should watch this film! It’s excellent!


Fentanyl Floyd’s body camera released. They burned down cities for this?

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How is BLM manifesto not a Marxist rooted ideology?

Here according to their own website!

This is blistering!

Oh boy! This one is good! Jason Whitlock has a point! Long before woke and cancel culture was a thing, Jason Whitlock was calling ESPN out for their PC bs! He basically said they went from being headquarter in Bristol CT to San Fran is when ESPN started inserting this SJ bS narratives. It has now gotten to the point that sports is unwatchable along with all other forms of entertainment. His point is all these athletes and Hollywood elites want the rest of us to accept socialism let’s start with them by taxing them at a rate of 90%! Brilliant idea!

As a trucker I have driven through the worst parts of nearly every major American city across the span of my 30+ years on the road. The really bad places never change because the people who live in them have no sense of respect for themselves or anything else. Until black folks start respecting themselves and the places they live nothing is going to change. I’m personally tired of the constant blaming of white people for all of their problems.

One area that we all can improve on is ensuring that we truly treat black people in this country as equals. That means, no more special programs, no more hiring quotas, no more handouts. Let them be responsible for their own success or failure.

More handouts isn’t the answer.


We must always celebrate diversity and inclusion.

Black Lives Matter

It’s racist to defend yourself…

The shit that these kids have to put up with in school is disgusting.

But our children must be taught about equality, diversity, and inclusion. It’s objectively true in every case.

American voters are the only ones able to stop it!

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Reminds me of a pack of baboons.

That’s funny shit. .

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BUSTED: California female BLM leader hit with 5 glorious felonies

After a two-week long investigation, the San Luis Obispo County District Attorney’s Office filed five felony charges against Arata, including four felony counts of false imprisonment, and one felony count of conspiracy. She was also hit with three misdemeanor charges – resisting or obstructing a peace officer, inciting a riot, and unlawful assembly.

Arata’s supporters and many on social media believe she shouldn’t be held liable for something an individual or a few individuals did. According to Newsweek, Arata faces up to 15 years in prison if convicted on all charges.

White Privilege is such a huge problem, guys…this is why we need Racial Justice.
