Democratic lawmakers unveil the Paycheck Fairness Act in an effort to close the gender wage gap

I’ve worked only for large private sector companies with 10s of thousands of employees.

The free market is very much in play here.

For instance if the firm is looking outside to fill a position, they will assign a grade level and salary for that prospective individual based on that individual’s value and experience.

So if there is an opening for a senior person, the firm will advertise a grade level 5 opening. That grade has an assigned salary range. Multiple people would likely apply. The most qualified candidate would be chosen and the salary offered would be commensurate with what value the firm assigns to their skill set, while considering that person’s salary history.

So let’s say the person who previously held that level 5 position leaves and was making $125k. A replacement person might make less than the $125k or that person might make more than the $125k.

Keep in mind each manager has a very specific function that they are responsible for. Each of that manager’s team members would be expected to contribute to that function. The biggest mistake a manager could make would be to hire someone who isn’t qualified.

but that is where affirmative action comes in, how many positions out there that employed unqualified people, all you have to so is go down to your local DMV place to verify this.

In the private sector, mistakes are sometimes made. Unlike the public sector, it is very easy to correct those mistakes by simply letting the person go. Typically, there is a 3 to 6 month trial period where someone who doesn’t cut the mustard is terminated.

if they are white, hetrosexual , christian and Trump supporter yes, if you’re a visible minority, transgendered, muslim not so much, it has become a double standard society today.

Not sure where you are getting your information.

My workplace is about as diverse as it gets. I’m surrounded by professionals of all race and gender. As a manager, I personally hired minorities, females, etc. One of the best leads I ever hired was a minority female. My hiring decisions were based on qualifications; the best person available that would allow me to be successful. Gender and race never played a role.

As with all Socialist policies, the name of the game is making everyone equally poor

Except for the ruling elite. They become the new 1%.

if you say so , but many places arent as holy as your workplace, affirmative action has sunk it teeth in most industries so if your company has escaped that, well God bless them.

But in reality do you actually know that is the fact?
are you telling me that there are no companies out there that have unqualified people working for them to make up for quota demands?

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You got it in ONE. Under Socialism, everyone is equal, except some a re more equal than others :wink:

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I believe I see where you are going with this.

I don’t doubt there are some number of companies that feel pressure to fill a quota with unqualified people. I’ve been lucky enough to work in places where that wasn’t the case.

In regards to those quotas, what’s sad is that it negatively affects minorities.

For instance, I’ve seen feedback from minorities that got there on their own merit, rather than a quota. They feel they aren’t taken seriously because many believe they are in their position as part of a quota system rather than as someone who is qualified.

In places where I’ve worked that has never been an issue. Everyone around me is infinitely qualified to be there and their performance demonstrates that.

Companies make bad hiring decisions all of the time. I don’t think affirmative action is driving more bad decisions. If you believe affirmative action drives bad decisions, you would also have to believe the lack of affirmative action also caused bad decisions (selecting a less qualified white male over a black female).

Also there aren’t government mandated quotas.

anytime I see a place where there diversity is paramount , I know there was some type of quota and that is sad

I rather deal with a company that employs 100 people, 75 of them are white males, 15 women and 10 blacks or other minorities, and that company has no quotas

That tells me that company hired 100 of the best people they can find

Vs a company big on diversity employing a 100 people, 50 white, and the rest minorities, transgendered, non binary, socially inept etc, that is a recipe for disaster

Well said. I agree with everything you’ve said here. This has been my experience as well.

Must be a full moon today, I agreed with you.

a less qualified white man over a black female, I doubt that has ever been the case not in this day and age, back then when Bull Connor, the Klan and the rest of the inbred hillbilly clan was running things that was the case, not today.

I do believe AA drives bad decisions, I get why it was implemented, but that was only a band aid solution which created more problems

You don’t know that the company would hire the best people without “quotas”.

Some of the most successful companies are also some of the most diverse. Just look at this list:

Also some industries, depending on their product and location, have access to more races and sexes than others. A company in Idaho may have more white people than a company in Atlanta, simple due to the area demographics.

I believe AA needs to be looked at again. I don’t think it’s necessary, as written, anymore. Companies have picked up the slack lately. We still aren’t where we need to be but I believe diversity is now a competitive advantage. Free market can take care of it.

Blantant discrimination shouldn’t be tolerated, however.

That is true about demographics but we are talking about jobs in major metropolitans

I looked at that lists , although those are companies I wouldnt work at or care for, I see your point,but a lot on the top ten list except for Comcast, Cisco and progressive Insurance, they are not high paying jobs, maybe exclude the Texas Healthcare.

That I agree with.

I don’t care to work for most of them either lol. But they are successful and they are diverse. Not saying there is some correlation between them but either way I think it’s a case to show that AA may be more trouble than it worth in 2019.

Now back to the OP… I don’t agree with this proposal either. However I do agree that salary ranges shouldn’t be secret. That will help expose companies that aren’t in line with their industry. Free market will take care of the rest.



Your tone in this thread was nonconfrontational, conversational and respectful.

You eased into the discussion while making salient points, and you didn’t attempt to hijack it with demands for proof.

Something to think about if you want to continue to have meaningful discussion in this forum.

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