Confirmed Commmunists Have Infiltrated The Democratic Party!

And now we have Sanders, Booker, Harris and Warren all pushing a federal jobs guarantee. Hmm, where have I heard of that concept before? Oh yeah

from C1936 Constitution of the USSR, Part IV

ARTICLE 118. Citizens of the U.S.S.R. have the right to work, that is, are guaranteed the right to employment and payment for their work in accordance With its quantity and quality.

The right to work is ensured by the socialist organization of the national economy, the steady growth of the productive forces of Soviet society, the elimination of the possibility of economic crises, and the abolition of unemployment.

In 1987 Donal Trump was a new york liberal.

People change.

Wait… haven’t you libs been saying he still is?

The Constitution also specifically says that every member of government must take the following oath

“I, _________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

As someone who openly denigrates our laws and our Constitution, you and your ilk clearly fall under the “domestic enemies” clause despite your bullshit claims to the contrary. Believe whatever you want in your safe space cupcake. When you start pushing your ideology on others via the Force of government, and that ideology isn’t compatible with the Constitution, you and your traitorous friends cannot hide behind the Constitution you seek to destroy. Sorry not sorry.

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Please cite an example of be denigrating our laws and constitution.

Oh and by the way, no one who is defending and supporting the Constitution follows that up with declaring they want to “fundamentally change America” traitor.

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I just did. Go play your bullshit games with someone who gives a shit, hack.

Lol. You should go get yourself fucked hard. Sounds like you need it.

I’ll give your comment all the consideration its due, which is to say like all of your other comments, would be exactly none. Thanks for playing.

You can’t seem to handle a conversation without resorting to your preconcieved notions of “my team, their team.” You seem to lack any true understanding of the topics you bloviate upon.

The minute someone suggests a different point of view, or idea, or notion, you claim they are ‘libruls’ or ‘eeeevil’ or ‘unaemricannnnn’…

Pathetic. Completely pathetic.

Projecting again. You aren’t offering conversation. Conversation is a two way street. Don’t like the Constitution? Feel free to leave. The real Patriots don’t want you or your kind here anyway.

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This is what a communist looks like! When Sanders can’t admit that Nicolas Maduro is a dictator, it basically is an admission of guilt that he is a communist schill and won’t admit the failures of socialism. In essence he is defending a dictator and is a communist!

Talk about bloviating! You do it on a regular basis here, in fact you have a pathological tendency in doing just that. The same things you accuse people of doing you yourself are guilty of X10. Try practicing what you preach for once in your life as your thought process and how you debate with regular obfuscation of the facts, false equivalencies and straw man arguments is why Progressives like you are hated so much. Your views is a danger to us all real Patriots and the rest of the country, and you are putting us all in danger and it needs to be stopped! I am all for rounding people like you up and putting into forced labor within re-education camps. Sometimes drastic measures has to be taken, and I am just offering solutions, but clearly your way of thinking is just plain dumb, there is no middle ground based on your regular display of ignorance, and that pretty much is true for the rest of your base.

Gun control laws
Sanctuary cities
Sanctuary states
Obamacare (Federal mandate to buy a product from a private business)
“Sin” taxes

Plenty more. Each in violation of the “Supreme law of the land.” Not that you or your ilk care, traitor.


Wow! Someone is becoming unraveled here when they can not admit the facts then they resort to other denigrating measures at an attempt at levity! Epic fail!

When I have even stated I don’t like the constitution?

Gun control laws?

I’m not sure what you are referring to. ALL gun control laws? So, to suggest any regulation on gun ownership is akin to denigrating our laws and constitution? I am for background checks - that’s denigrating our constitution. I am ag limits, and some restrictions on owershiop. Denigrating the constitiuon?

I have not - as far as I remember - offered an option here on sanctuary cities as it is a topic I truly don’t understand. If you can cite a quote of mine to the contrary, I will gladly comment on it.

Obamacare? supporting obamacare denigrates the constitution? Yet the supreme court says otherwise. Now what?

What is most sad is that you think people who have differing political opinions are traitors. that’s pathetic. And shows you to be a shell of man, an unthinking lizard brain puppet.

Sorry. But that’s the truth.

…says the poster who wished me dead.

Can you cite the enumerated power for the federal government to have these modern gun control laws as they affect the jurisdictions of any State?

The 10th Amendment forbids them because there is none.

Can you cite, since you want to mention the Court, the clause of the Constitution that permits the government to levy a tax on not complying with a federal regulation?

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I wish all communists dead, I made no secret about that, as you are no one special just another statistic!