Confirmed Commmunists Have Infiltrated The Democratic Party!

I have recently been elected to be the Chief Grand Pooh Bah of the Stalingrad West Chapter. I’m still having my cards printed up, otherwise I’d show it to you.

Then you are the enemy, and should be assigned a camp card to be shipped off on a train to nowhere. Get used to the fact you will no longer have the use of your finger nails!

So in your america, people should be imprisoned for political beliefs?

Just communist scum who are deemed a threat to our Democratic institutions! I would like to round up all Communist Democraps like you and ship you off on trains to nowhere!

Yeah, boy that “crooked Hillary” argument was really tough to make, Trump must be better Cicero, huh?

Having sex with your own strawman should be done in the privacy of your bedroom… or barn or wherever.

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Communist are subversives, opposed to every aspect of this nation as it exists, are they not?

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Just as long as nowheresville isn’t in California, we’ve already got enough of them here

If their political beliefs make them seditious traitors to the people of the United States, abso fucking lutely. I would equally condemn anyone who openly supports instituting Sharia law in the US as well as it is incompatible with our way of life as well as our laws.

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Actually when I think of nowhere, I am envisioning a place where Polar bears are well fed with established internment camps!

I refer to DEMs as useful idiots when it comes to these kinds of topics.


So then, yes, you think people should be punished based on their political ideology.

How american of you.

BTW - I don’t subscribe to a communist ideology.

No. They are simply misguided americans, similar in many ways to ultra conservatives, in that the political answers they seek would not be effective in meeting the goals of a better america.

But you do because you are a progressive, and progressive is just another name for Communist. So yeah you do subscribe to it and you do support their causes! Just admit it! You are a communist! There fore conclusion, you are not American nor do you support life and liberty for all!

You would condemn the person, or the political belief they hold?

Because there is a difference - an important one in fact.

Communism, and Sharia Law are simply non-starters in America in a practical sense because of our wonderful constitution. They simply can’t be practiced. They are antithetical to our constitution and the laws based upon it.

But that same constitution insists americans be allowed to pine for these political - and religious - polices without fear.

Does that upset you?

That is completely idiot. You clearly have learned all you know of communism from the internet and right wing media.

Also - why can’t a communist be an american?

Yet you are supporting the Democratic Party who is now tied into the Communist Party! That is what this thread is about! Essentially you voting for any democrat is essentially supporting and aiding the communist party cause. So in other words you are being duped and you are just another dumb sheep being herded into a false premise to support the cause of communism!

That is what dumbass sheep like you would say, because you are brainwashed to believe otherwise! You are a communist, and therefor you are my enemy! You must be eradicated!

You are a very silly person without a shred of real intellectual honesty or curiosity.

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How do you propose to eradicate me?