"Come Heavily Armed": Oregon Senator Threatens Violence As Governor Hunts Down Lawmakers

That is the whole point why they walked out! They actually have to be present in order for the vote to take place, as clearly they don’t have the majority so their act is one of defiance that is intended to bring this to a head.

Remember Terry Levoy Finnicum? That also took place in Oregon. There is a deep contempt for Eugene who are getting fed up with limousine liberals of the coastal cities telling others how they should live! This has been brewing for several years and it now has come to this!

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Exactly this.

My dad is from a small town in south east Oregon. He has been calling this for years. The people out that way despise government and really hate the coastal lefty elites. They will not be ruled over by them.

Yeah, that guy is not backing down! This was a fight in the making for some time, and for the most part it’s intent is to bring the issue into the national narrative and why they decided to make a stand in the first place. A liberal woman as governor is the worse kind IMO!

Yep! I met a guy in a small town in the Eastern part of the state who told me virtually the same thing. His exact words were that nothing can get done without a handshake in Eugene. As he said this to me, I was a bit aloof to the politics of Oregon at the time, but I do recall hearing his contempt in his voice.

Well its a tactic that apparently the Democrats used first with the same Governor condoning it when the Dems did it but not now when the Republicans did it. Just how do you square that when it’s apparently alright for one Party but not the other!

It’s time to put the vote to the people of Oregon rather then a few GW activist lawmakers ready to wreak havoc on the economy of the state and it’s citizens.

And the far Left wing trash is pushing it in its every particular.

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I am sure if it was a Republican Governor doing this to Democrats - it would be on Page Six in the New York Post. Or in the back pages of the NYT. Just saying…

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I saw that article this morning. She was questioned on this and her response was that she was justified. Clown.



Hopefully they were smart enough to leave the state. I’ve seen democrats pull this before in multiple states and they were always cheered and declared heroes/heroines for doing so.

Whaddya bet the republicans won’t be treated the same in the press?

Hat tip to a most excellent find.

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Or, change the Statute that requires the other part be “present”.

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Hence we should have a state of Jefferson where southern OR is united with the conservative northern CA. But who am I kidding, that’ll never happen.

I’m not so sure. If such a move is timed with a republican majority in congress and a republican president I think it will pass.

Let’s face it, half a dozen cities control the whole of the west coast and republicans have virtually no real representation even in state gov’t much less in congress as a result.

There’s a strong constitutional argument to be made on their behalf.

If the people want to be represented differently, let them. Their voices are disenfranchised from the louder and more concentrated population centers, and they want out. They cant even have the measure on the ballot to vote on, and that is how afraid the commiefornian (and im sure oregan as well) establishment dems are:

I’m in total agreement and think someone needs to try to secede again and fight it through the courts all the way to the top.

Nothing in our constitution says it’s one way deal and the constitution is very clear, those powers not reserved to the fed belong to the states and the people.