Caroline Lucas calls for emergency female cabinet . .

Lucas has always been a flake. I don’t know how she has lasted so long in politics to be honest. But then I used to wonder that very same thing about Brown, Grayling, and Hammond. lol

Yep usually with the use of false equivalencies masking all the insecurities to sound like their so called self importance matters or is more relevant then others! That is what weak people do!

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I just watched an interview of Jordan Peterson on Swedish television who destroyed their female equivalent! It was priceless and loved every minute of it!

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I’m not inclined to watch vids as long as that (almost 40 mins) - any chance of a synopsis?

I can’t give you a synopsis it is something that has to be watched to be fully appreciated! Just save it for a rainy day you won’t regret you did!

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A British SAS guy was on the same panel before and the women absolutely loved him Swedish women are so confused they don’t know what they want they demasculinize thier own men but love murderers foreign men

That doesn’t surprise me! It is time to bring back strong masculine role models in society! Time to cull the sheep and make the women submit! Liberalism is killing western civilisation especially in Europe!


Only effeminate men can be emasculated by women.

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Funny, you are forever having digs at me accusing me of the things that you yourself are guilty of. Your bitterness is so evident!

It’s revealing that the countries which are ‘going under’ are all countries whose leaders are females viz. UK (until very recently?) May, Sweden, and Germany (Merkel).

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Thatcher? :thinking:

PBUH :heart: lol But I’m talking about recent years - since the mass migration into Europe.

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There is a theory that childless women need to mother something that’s why so many childless women have cats or dogs and treat them as babies when childless women run countries they seem to view migrants as children that need to be mothered and cared for obviously this is just a theory but with so many of these women leaders being childless witches there may be some truth to the theory

Right! Because according to you I am stalking you! Yet here you are responding to me! Can your hypocrisy be any more apparent? You are a weak person!

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Trudeau? Obama? You can’t just pick the countries messed up by women leaders and ignore the men who equally mess up.

You responded to Ross about me in a public space where I happen to be so I would see it. Who is the passive aggressive here?

That is very true and there are a few I can point out in that regards!

Good point - I walk long distances all the time, and must admit that I always observe that 95/100 dog owners are women.

I bet more than 50% of Trudeau and Obama voting base was women

Have a look at (way of the world’s) video (how women destroy the west)

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I was referring to European countries apropos the migration thing. And Trudeau is a bit effeminate?? Well with a name like that, he’s bound to be, isn’t he!! lol