They certainly fall all over themselves defending Little Ben’s honor. I can hear his hands rubbing from here.
who is defending his honor, he doesnt need defending he does a good job on his own
why bring up race?
Ben likes to make Israel and his ■■■■■■■■■■ a regular part of his conversations and arguments. That makes it fair game. Also - what do you care what others bring up either positively or negatively? Not everyone is a cuck for Israel.
now you’re changing the subject, during his speech from what I can recall Israel wasn’t mentioned, so why bring it up?
He was talking about killing a baby, particularly baby Hitler, that he wouldn’t kill baby hitler because he was a baby, not the adult hitler that most people want to kill.
I wasn’t changing the subject. I replied to your post where you were white knighting for Ben Shapiro. That’s how this conversation started.
Im still not white knighting, just because I questioned your friend, he called him a piece of shit, that doesn’t bother me because its his opinion, but back up the opinion with some facts, whether he likes Shapiro or not is irrelevant , but back up your opinion.
All I read was red herrings, a whole lot of gibberish, then brings in race which has no bearing
off topic
I despise Obama, for many reasons and none of it has anything to do with his race/ethnicity
So tell me how am I white knighting for Shapiro?