None of that matters and you must be a “hyper partisan republican” to even remember it much less bring it up for discussion.
I don’t know why I bother, since no one will ever read this, or give it the thought it deserves, but…
If you don’t like the two party system, and want a multi-party coalition system like they have in Europe, what you need is multiple representatives elected from each election district. In the U.S. there is only one representative elected from each election district. You need at least three or four before you have a third party that is viable.
You seem to be replying to the wrong post.
He’s not suggesting we need a viable 3rd or 4th party.
And the republicans had NO evidence of real estate crimes, or involvement in the Vince Foster death but kept looking, searching, for over 4 years, spanning both Clinton’s terms, and finally nailed him for lying about an affair that hadn’t even happened when the impeachment investigation began. You really need to let that sink in.
Well no, actually I’m telling you that having supported the Clinton witch hunt you have nothing to complain about anything that happens to Trump that you don’t like.
Difficult to establish a 3rd credible party with the rules set in place by the 2 major parties.
As Democrats are fond of saying as an excuse for refusing to investigate the Bidens corruption, two wrongs don’t make a right.
Having rejected any semblance of a fair and equitable process for Trump’s sham impeachment you have no credibility complaining about Clinton’s.
Well that’s another lie.
A good many folks went to prison over White Water and Bank Fraud, all tied directly to the Clintons.
I told you long ago that if there’s reason to believe that Biden may have committed a crime, then Trump should have his DOJ investigate him and prosecute if merited.
Someone should tell that to the House Democrats. In the phone call transcript Trump specifically lays out that the AG and Guiliani will contact the Ukrainian government to investigate corruption in general and the Bidens in particular. Yet, partisan House Democrats impeached Trump for doing exactly what you suggest.
No, someone should tell it to Trump…
That’s complete nonsense. Trump did exactly what you recommended yet you find sufficient fault to support impeachment.
Of course he did NOT do what I recommended. Look back up a couple of posts to the one you quoted and what I ACTUALLY said…
The moment Trump instructs the DOJ to investigate Biden the democrats would begin screaming retribution in the media and across the country.
How naive of Monte to even suggest that unless he just want to continue the lunatic ravings of the left.