2020 Race Riots - Open General

Yeah! Look who they hired as their police chief!

Dam. I know Rochester. Just a hours drive from Buffalo. This is why you never! Never give up your right to carry. Fking thugs! I would have had those punks blasted and taking an early dirt nap! This is pretty gut wrenching to watch.

What? This guy is a POS!

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This was engineered. All of it. Keith “smack my bitch up” Ellison is the same asshole who was promoting himself buying Antifa anarchist books at his local book store. He’s a filthy black Muslim who beats women and gets away with it.

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Yeah I was going to ask you about that. How did he get away with it?

They said there wasn’t enough evidence and he claimed she was lying - despite multiple police reports.

Hey, I wonder if Chauvin was ever a responding officer to his numerous domestic violence calls?

Guys - my country is gay and leftist enough as it is. I’ve got Fidel Castro’s lovechild as my prime minister and a slew of feminists, trans, gays, and cucks in parliament. We basically cuck ourselves over every single perceived offense or alleged SJW injustice.

Now - my country is getting bent over, harder then usual, because of virtue signalling for your unruly blacks!

Canadians copying Americans. What’s new?

This is more nonsense. BTW, Canada now in cooperation with the CCP in developing a Covid-19 Vaccine? That is freaking nuts!

Damn! No livestreams up yet from you lazy fuckers? Do I need to do everything around here?

While Racism is for the intellectually inferior. He can say it, I am an Anti Racist and Anarcho Capitalist, not a statist. Its about George Floyd and why the state is the enemy of people. But noo, the fuckwits on both sides are too blind to see it.

Washington, DC



New York (Carl iii)



Los Angeles

Santa Monica










I love the Doomtube stream…it’s the most autistic shit I’ve ever seen in my life.

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All these streams and you leave out niglanta?

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Theyre also in a poor country. They need a scapegoat.

Anyone need another reminder about keeping the thread on point?


oooh—boy…:-1:Nothing more absurd then fake Autistic labeling.


A street full of people—at least 20, arrested and handcuffed in Santa Monica.—violation of the curfew-apparently a ticket.

And lots of looters getting away with it…