I remember those days as a young PE. This too shall pass. The best advice I can give to a young engineer is to always make time for yourself. It is the most valuable asset you have and one that you will soon find to never have enough of as the older you get the less of it you have. Always make time for yourself otherwise you will get burned out.
Steady as she goes! Sacrifices are made early so you don’t have to make them later! Gotcha! Just pace yourself so you don’t lose your balance!
Well, me as an “engineer” is sort of a misleading statement. I only have an EIT, and getting a PE in my field (materials engineering) is a waste of time and money since most of what I do dont require it, and the yearly fee does not justify the benefits.
I learned the burnout lesson the hard way with my previous attempt at my doctoral program (got caught up in departmental politics and thus starting in the wrong foot with my adviser). This time it should be lower stake and enjoyable, since I only need a couple more class to complete a master, albeit at another institution.
With time as a precious commodity, Im trying my hardest to learn to say “no” to people. Making them work hard for your “yes”, unless of course they are your direct superiors and direct dismissals might hurt your career (unless its sexual advantages).