2019 State of the Union - Official Live Thread 🔴

You missed the point. When The liberals numbnuts first claimed Trump was putting children in cages, they used images made during the Obama administration.

Epic fail! :joy:


More paranoia… less substance. Start a thread on socialism. We can discuss the policies there.

I’ve never done anything to you. I don’t know you personally. What a weird response.

Free healthcare for Illegals
Free college tuition for Illegals
No Borders
Tax The Rich at 90%
Equal pay regardless of skill
Free Housing for everyone, including illegals

All paid for by the American natural or naturalized citizen Tax payer!

Hmm? Sounds like socialist policies to me!


This place needs a function of voting down!


Be sure to send in the prag who is not drunk, confused about their gender, currently on the dole, or an illegal alien.

Oh… if one of your prags have read some history, that might be useful too.


Could not believe the idiots in white had to confer with each other over whether to stand or not, even for such as “the incredible progress women have made in this country” lmfao! As expected, Stacy Abrams basically called the president a liar as she lied through her teeth with their ugly gap as big as the one on support or opposition to the wall . As much as I didn’t want to hear anything that racist whale had to say, it does bode well for Republicans going forward if she was the best they could do on a rebuttal. MAGA!


Democrats show their solidarity with VA Gov Northam at SOTU.


It wasn’t a rebuttal. It was a canned anti-Trump speech and had little to do with the content of his SOTU speech.

I saw one that didn’t stand until the peer pressure got to her. She was in the front of the group and must not have known that almost all the other white suited ladies were already standing.

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Here is what really went down at the SOTU.

  • Trump gives pelosi a different speech
  • She reads through a fake copy and thinks it’s a dud
  • Speech starts
  • Pelolsi not listening
  • She already knows it better then orange man
  • Or thinks she does
  • FuckingEpicSpeech.hpeg
  • The speech hits harder then America on the shores of Normandy
  • Pelosi notices too much clapping
  • “Wait this isn’t right” she panics
  • Nothing sounds familiar
  • It’s a different speech!
  • Pelosi then spends the rest of the SOTU muttering to herself and relaizes she and the other commie traitors are epicly fucked

Uhhhh Medicare for all! Free college education (well free to layabouts who pay no taxes that is…)



Not a fan of Trump the man but this was I think the best speech of his political career.

Only major criticism is that it probably rant 20 minutes too long.

“Here, in the United States, we are alarmed by new calls to adopt socialism in our country. America was founded on liberty and independence –- not government coercion, domination, and control. We are born free, and we will stay free. Tonight, we renew our resolve that America will never be a socialist country.”

Words that EVERY American President should say!


You missed the times Pelousy was so screwed up that she forgot to sit back down.

But you are right, it was really weird that she sat there with sheets of paper, trying to page through them as Trump spoke.

Normally I would totally agree, but somehow I never get tired of him messing up the mush brains of the Dems!

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Of course they did. Party of projection.

I did not get the intended symbolism.

It did look a little clannish as they sat there in the chamber with the adults. Jumping around like children because more woman are now in the legislature was an inappropriate response. Be professional, act like you belong.

I told my spouse the white looked like surrender flags.

I was VERY please with President Trump’s address.


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