Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣


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Thats why Trump will benefit from this.
He is painting the Demonrats into a corner.
They come across as pro BLM, pro riots, pro looting, pro lockdowns, pro vaccines, pro track/trace.

Trump - come November can blame the Demonrats for everything and he can say look what they did and I fixed it - ALL OF IT.

I could be wrong but I think Trump knows exactly what he is doing and it is all going according to plan(his plan)


George Floyd is now akin to the coronavirus. Both are tragedies and both have been turned into political opportunities by the Democrats. Both are “Hail Mary” passes used only when you have no other alternatives.

The fatal mistake is the coordination of the riots. Centralized management, coordination and cooperation with Democrat governors and mayors was necessary in order to change demonstrations into riots.

Yes, the Democrats believe that black lives matter…
Probably because they do, as much as anybody else’s.

They have said nothing to indicate that they are pro riot, though they do support protests as an Americans constitutional RIGHT.

They have said nothing to indicate that they are pro looting. Btw, rioters and looters are not representative of the whole, nor do they have any legitimacy, nor do they give a shit about Mr. Floyd.

Yes they’re pro vaccine, and so is Trump. Need I link for you the things Trump has said and done to hasten their production.

And yes they are pro contact tracing, and so is Trump. After the virus found its way into the West Wing, everyone coming into the WW was tested every day, and contact tracing was utilized when the two positive cases appeared…

If the people learn — finally — that the mainstream media is a powerful tool of the tribe, that’s something.

M, Doesn’t matter what the dems really believe - perception is everything.
And Trump is going to build the perception in the average American that the Dems are behind all this shit and he fixed it - he’ll win in November with a landslide.
It also doesn’t matter what Trump says, thats just theatre - watch what he does.

Shit, everything he says and DOES is theater…:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Mainstream media is nothing but theatrics.
A clever mix of truth and fiction.

They play the tune, and idiots dance.




There are two ways to make you blind.

  1. Blindfold directly over your eyes
  2. A lot fringe (irrelevant) information

#1 includes information blackout, which can be accomplished easily by not reporting certain important events.
#2 includes sports, Hollywood gossip, and way too many forum threads started by a certain individual LOL

You guys are obsessed with the media. Ever just try ignoring the main stream media that you love to hate…good god the mighty.

It would only take a few well-publicised instances of it, and looting would halt literally overnight. So don’t just talk about it, get on and do it?


The media is more powerful than you might think.
It’s even more powerful than Presidents.
Why do you think Nixon was disgraced and had to step down?

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And I wrote yesterday that ‘because of our reaction, the lizards are finding it more difficult than they thought.’ How stupid I feel now; but how simple it is for them - simply use the MSM to debunk the only known cure and at a stroke the problem is solved. Looks like we’re the ones who are going to find it more difficult that we thought?

It’s not an obsession it’s probly the most important/influential fact of life.
Where do we get our knowledge/information from - how do we know there even is a virus?
How do we know we are under house arrest?
How do we know what Ferguson said?
How doe we know abt Baal and Malicious Gates?.
How do we know there are riots all over America?
How do we know black lives matter and why do we give a shit?
How do we know abt the wall?
Word of Mouth?

The media is probly the single most important thing in everyones life atm.
Thats why, when they lie to us we should call them out.
Basically it’s a necessary evil in todays world - why do you think Trump is portrayed so badly in the media - bc he knows.


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Trump is smarter than I thought - a lot smarter, because he knows what’s going on. I expect the political establishment knows too, but they’re happy to let it go on. But think about it - ALL THIS OVER SOME IMAGINARY FUCKING VIRUS which can be cured with a prescibed dose of a few proven efficiacious pills? The whole thing is fucking crazy but we can’t do anything to stop it.

We need to ask Johnson

Why did he approve the lockdown after initially opposing it?
Why did he allow discharged CV-infected hospital patients into - of all places nursing homes, where the most vulnerable in every society are housed? And a secondary question - how many of them died as a direct result of that decision?
Why did he allow hundreds of international flights into our airports for so long after the lockdown was implemented, and thousands of passengers to pass unhindered thru reception halls and into the country without being tested?
Was he only joking when he said the ‘the virus’ could find its way into the nation’s water supplies?
Why is he facilitating thousands of Channel migrants from CV infected French holding camps into our country?
Did he really spend time in St Thomas’ hospital as an impatient? If so, why did the press photo of him leaving it suddenly disappear after only a few hours?
How come his woman friend didn’t catch the CV from him?

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Everything is linked.

‘‘The report is implying - though fairly clearly - that the exaggerated numbers and death predictions were not only lies, they were an agenda , and that the “cure” - “social distancing,” masks and the whole set of memes - was as bad if not worse than the actual virus itself. And the government of Angela Merkel was complicit in all of it.’’

‘‘In the USA, just as the virus narrative was beginning to fizzle, voila! A new crisis in the murder of Mr. Floyd.’’