Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

The following is just for membership consideration?

It’s becoming more and more obvious how important vitamin D is for maintaining an efficient immune system, and yet (think about this?) beaches and parks and other open public spaces are being closed to visitors, This means that the only way to top up on the D, ie by exposing as much of the body as possible to the sun (swim trucks/bikinis. or in my case starkers! :sunglasses: lol), is being denied to us. In short, they’re trying to make our immune system as weak as possible, and I wonder why that would be!! :thinking:

The other thing is that - unlike Sweden), herd immunity in this country is rejected, despite being acknowledged the way to go by all docs and scientists except the useless Ferguson. The latest ‘Only go into bars or restaurants if it’s safe to do so.’ Question: How on earth could anyone assess that ? But of course the sheep wouldn’t take any chances.

As last but not least, the question of this track&trace crap. which I mentioned; what’s the thinking behind that? I think Johnson means well, but like other leaders inc. Trump, he’s being manipulated: thankfully though, their puppet masters are realising that, because of inquiring and questioning minds like ours and many others , it isn’t going to be quite as easy as they thought it was going to be?

And an addendum I’ve just thought about: presuming that hydroxychloroquine is a miracle cure as real experts say it is, then why the fuck do we need vaccines?

I think it’s a diversion to bury bad news. It has been blown up so much out of proportion that it just has to be.

I think “herd immunity” is bovine scatology


“Russia’s cases continue to rise”

Yet more BBC fake news - I don’t believe a word of it and nor should you.

Don’t forget Ferguson - that fuckwit should be locked up forever.

For the nerds amongst us(including me) bit long but I think Q is the real deal

So should Johnson for relying upon and then acting on the advice of the man he knew was responsible for killing countless thousands of healthy cattle for no reason at all.

If Johnson pushes it, it could lead to insurrection. His government has already been accused of spectacularly screwing it up - although you won’t see that on the BBC - and that would be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. After all, he has form for lying?

This is being kept very quiet, I wonder why?

If it worked well for the past 20 years in the US so there’s no reason why it shouldn’t work here; but the trials should be undertaken openly and independently, not by Hancock’s paid cronies.

Its all kabuki theatre - they marched us up to the top of the hill - now they have to convince us that it wasn’t all a waste of fucking time and march us down the other side.
The track and trace will be used to ‘‘prove’’ that they are doing something and its safe to enter the water again.

Now it seems that contact tracing is the next coming fad. If any fucking busybody calls me up I’ll tell them I only had contact with ten prostitutes. Or maybe if I say I’m an illegal alien, they’ll leave me alone.

This makes my head explode.


I’ll tell you something right now Goggsy, and I’m gonna put it ‘out there’ for Johnson too - at the moment it’s just a dummy run, but with the strong possibility it will become mandatory, and my message is this: Unless you want a full-scale insurrection on your hands, Mr Johnson, don’t even THINK about it!

Yep that is what I’m worried abt too.
I just hope to god I’m wrong.

When they start denying something, you know it is probly true

Trouble is that if something big does accidentally kick off Johnson and his bunch of nincompoops won’t know how to stop it. Bring on Nigel. Ni-gel, Ni-gel, ra-ra-ra!

This post was deemed false by the idiot SJW fact chekers. They were probably wearing masks all day so they felt offended too.


What they will NOT tell you is that the COMMON COLD is typically a coronavirus, which is very common!

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