Daily Verse (encourage others to read)

2 Timothy 3:16-17 ESV

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.

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There is a part 1 and pat 2 to this video. The subject is the solar eclipse that is happening on the 8th and its relation to Easter.

What do you think of the presentation of this narrative? Interesting timeline and coincidence!

Part 1

Part 2


It’s definitely a possibility, I suppose. Who knows?

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The crucifixion in the Roman Empire was one of the most cruel ways of execution. The arteries in the arms and legs are tied tightly to the pole or cross and the convicted are left to die.

It took days, sometimes weeks for the convicted to die, so if they took Jesus down in three hours, he certainly was not dead. When a Roman soldier poked at his side, blood ran, which proves he was not dead.

The Bible says he was immediately taken to a cave along with healing herbs.

Barbara Thiering says this drama took place in Qumran by the Dead Sea, not outside the city of Jerusalem. There are plenty of caves and sure enough, the Dead Sea scrolls were found there.

I believe it took longer than three days, but who knows? The timeline of Jesus’s crucifixion has always been debated without result. Easter and the ritual of Good Friday followed by the sabbath then Easter day itself (the day Jesus had risen fro the dead) is a convenient timeline celebrated by the West to acknowledge the most important day in the Christian calendar! It is possible however that the timeline was much longer.

I’m not trying to be anti-Christian or anything but obviously “Easter” comes from “Ishtar,” the Babylonian goddess of fertility.

Her symbols? Eggs and rabbits (who are know to multiply fast)

It is no coincidence if her holy-days are celebrated in the spring when plants come back to life.

Her name is also found in “Israel”

Is = Ishtar
Ra = Egyptian sun god
El = Canaanite god

This is the pagan aspect of Easter and has nothing to do with Jesus rising from the dead and what his death meant!


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Like I’m saying, I have no quarrel with the Christian faith having a pagan origin(s).

Ishtar in the Bablylonia myth was also killed unjustly, but arose from her death.

Christians don’t have a pagan origin. The word “Christian” derives from being a believer and disciple of Jesus Christ. Any other religious belief that omits or doesn’t acknowledge Christ as the true son of God, is not Christianity, therefore can be considered pagan in their origin but not Christianity.


Actually, “Christ” comes from Greek meaning “annointed.” It is an ancient ceremony in the Middle East to put some sacred oil on the head of a new king.

The Joos were waiting for a new king to rule over them, but the Pharisee never accept Jesus to be their king.

I was talking about the word and term “Christian” not what the name Christ came from.

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It reminds me of the “Lutherans” (or Protestants for that matter) who never read the most important work by Martin Luther and yet dare to call themselves Christians.

“On the Joos and thier lies”

I dare to call myself a Christian. I believe in the resurrected Jesus Christ as the Savior. That is Christianity… no matter what book, other than the Bible, I have or have not read.

The Catholic Church forbade people to read the Bible (which was all in Latin so that people could not read it even if they wanted). It goes to show you something.

Today they want you to remain ignorant and to watch TV all day long. THEY LIVE.

I know this. There is much to dislike about religion in general. Jesus will judge the Brides when he returns.

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Will “I was brainwashed” or “I didn’t know” be a good excuse for evil deeds?

“I killed innocent people because my TV anchor said it was a good idea.”
“I jabbed innocent people because it was my job as a nurse.”
“I tortured and killed innocent people because the Church told me it’s God’s will.”
“I bombed Gaza to kill innocent people en masse because it was an order”
“I commited heinous crimes because I didn’t do any research, although there was plenty of information available”

etc etc etc

Will they be valid arguments when such people meet their Maker? You be the judge.

In the Bible it is predicted or prophesied that there will be many pretending to be of God and preaching in the End of times and it warns to be aware the antichrist as there will be many. Is this such a person? I am having my doubts.

What is the explanation of this Priest’s attire?

