2020 Race Riots - Open General

I am not hoping for a civil war! I don’t know why you would wish for one either.

I see an opportunity to forge a synthesis. The Thesis and Anththesis, Democrat and Republican, both molded into the synthesis, ergo the Libertarians and what is the ending of Libertarianism, Anarcho Capitalism. What you see in down I see in up.

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That is just wishful thinking on your part. Who is wanting the country to fall apart at a time there is a presidential election? At a time we have a common enemy to face in China? This is either going to end with rule of Law or no country at all, and if the latter prevails then we all lose!

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Let’s add San Jose to the list!

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Really, how do I lose. Im an Anarcho Capitalist remember, I want the state destroyed. I see that outcome as a win. What is law, but an involuntary agreement. I believe in voluntary agreement, the NAP, and if they dont choose to sign or abide by the agreement,off they go.

No surprise - the “law and order” president, and his “only the best people” staff have completely cucked. Winning.

Old news! As this is spreading situation room has convened to now being live.

Don’t worry, Trump has a plan. He just signed the Proclamation of African American Music Appreciation Month 2020. Wtf.

Seriously I really don’t want to answer that question! I simply don’t agree with your self contradictory political philosophy. That is another rabbit hole I care not to go down with you as you have a separate thread for that! Respectfully!

Really, I somehow contradict myself. Type it in the Anarcho Capitalism thread. Love to hear about it. My point still stands, we win in this civil war, so fingers cross.

He calls it like it is.


Hey - ANCAP - why aren’t you out there making a mess of things right now? Waiting for everyone else to do the heavy lifting for you? These animals are in DC trying to press through the secret service line right now. Why are you sitting at home right now?


I think I made myself clear on this, I am not interested in going down this particular rabbit hole. Others in that thread pretty much made their case and there is no need wasting my time in circular debates that go no where. You have your beliefs and others have theirs! Leave it at that!

I hope you planted a garden and have available food source!

Now is a good time to check in with your neighbours and protect your communities!

Forced isolation, summer heat, dickhead cops.

Someone’s following a recipe for disaster cupcakes. I don’t believe these riots were grassroots initiated.

I’m on the fence on where to throw support. Rioting youths pushing back against big gov sounds appealing but I suspect they wont accomplish any real change. Instead when this fizzles out as planned we get new regulations and tyranny. Sounds like a big fat distraction to take away from peaceful covid protests, forced vaccines, NWO.

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I don’t know about the forced vaccines or NEO NWO part, but the new regulations and tyrannical policies being implemented is very plausible IMO. Just depends what state you live in. Glad I am not in Minnesotastan!

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You are in Hong Kong right? Might want to pack your things and get out while you still can.

Yeah I would like to, but I am prisoner here currently. Have you not been reading? Please advise me how I can leave! I am all ears!


Got some live looting of some guys store…


Is there an Embassy you can talk to?

Get a ride to Japan