What really happened

Does your ignorance know no bounds?

“many years of study” my ass, you’re an ignorant child with a head full of racist ■■■ Hating dog shit.

Hitler declared war on US, remember? Hitler was attempting to conquer all of Europe and Africa first with plans for the rest of the world next so no, we were never on the wrong side.

Stalin was a rising threat but at the time he was the only viable ally we had to defeat the Nazis.

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Bullshit. Pure, unadulterated bullshit.

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Without joining with Stalin Western Europe would have first fallen to Hitler and later to Stalin.

There was no other way to get there.

The only other possibility would have been to Join with Hitler who would have then kept most if not all of Western Europe and most of Eastern Europe as well.

That would have given him all the resources he needed to then conquer the rest of the world because without US opposing the Nazi’s in N. Africa he would have quickly conquered the entire continent.

Going the route we did we not only defeated the Nazis, we kept Western Europe and Africa from falling to the Soviets.

The only thing that prevented a Nazi victory was a lack of access to petroleum and we were directly responsible for denying it to them.

We defeated the Japanese in the same way, they lacked a source of petroleum so once we cut them off from the Dutch East Indies and the British Colonies of the Pacific theater they could not longer acquire the rubber and most importantly the fuel necessary to feed their war machine.

See my Hasbara trolls have been in fine voice again.
I’m beginning to think that they are past salvation - they been force fed so much propaganda over the years their brains are completely addled - still I’ll keep trying.
Lets try more recent events

With the Soviet Threat removed, the US military/security complex no longer had a justification for its massive budget.

Treading water while looking for a new justification for bleeding the American taxpayer, the military/security complex had President Clinton declare the US to be the World Policeman and to destroy Yugoslavia in the name of “human rights.” With Israeli and neoconservative input, the military/security complex used 9/11 to create the “Muslin Terrorist Threat.” This hoax has now murdered, maimed, dispossessed, and displaced millions of Muslims in seven countries.

When you hear a source called a “Russian agent,” an “anti-semite,” or a “conspiracy theorist,” you had better listen to them. These are those in the know who accept arrow slings in order to tell you the truth.


I think he takes pride in our condemnations. No factual information will change his mind. The good thing about our comments back to him is that no other reader will be polluted with this guy’s tripe without at least having the opportunity to read posts that refute the lies.

It is absolutely incredible how brainwashed this guy is. And clearly, he has been taught nothing else that is factual. High school education? I don’t think so.

He’s just puking up his usual daily dose of ■■■ Hating lies and bullshit.

He’s immune to facts, the hate and brain worms have consumed whatever grey matter he was born with.

I now realize the Aryan Nation is running it’s own schools and paying it’s own professional internet trolls to spread their BS.



Brainwashed is an understatement. Brain dead is closer to the truth.

You really do say the nicest things



Thank you. I also speak the truth.

“Al Jazeerah” and “The Ugly Truth, Intelligent Anti-Semitism” pretty well covers it all…

I’ve mentioned the link between Wahabism and Judaism before - looks like the Brits are involved too.

Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab was a descendant of a family of Donmeh ■■■■ from Turkey.


Have you ever doubted history as we know it??
Everything we ‘‘know’’ came from a book - but what if all the books we have are lying.
What if it’s ALL BOLLOCKS.

More of this same trash? You two need to get a private room and spare the rest of us from your bullshit.

Jesus Himself kept it very simple. ‘You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.’ These were Jesus’ words in describing the ■■■■

Who exactly is driving US into so many wars and why.
Well Bill Kristol and Max Boot are 2 who are deeply involved and guess where their roots are…
Kristol was born on December 23, 1952 in New York City, into a ■■■■■■ family.
Boot was born in Moscow. His parents, both [Russian ■■■■
Of course their ethnicity is just cohencidence…

On a slightly different subject.
Ever wonder why immigrunts are a problem everywhere?
Maybe this is where it started.

■■■■■■ survival can only take place within the framework of a progressive and expanding democratic society, which through its institutions and public policies gives expression to the concept of cultural pluralism.” ——

■■■■■■ organizations, (there is no end to their organizations), filed briefs in support of open immigration before the Senate Subcommittee in the early sixties leading up to the passing of the 1965 law.


Who got us into the Iraq war?



Sorry dipshit, I’ve been to Germany and lived there for a few years. We saw Buchenwald right after the wall fell and it was set up for one thing… and that thing wasn’t a labor camp. There are tens of thousands of live accounts from guards and prisoners alike. There are tens of thousands of pictures. Germany has admitted and apologized for it. People were tried and hung for war crimes. . . You have to be the dumbest person alive to suggest the holocaust was made up.