The make em miserable strategy

Its core strategy in taking back opposition areas has been to drain them of resources, degrade infrastructure and target civilians and rebels alike, in order to drive those who oppose it out and leave no option other than submission to regime authority for those who remain. The aim is also to send a clear message about the price of resistance.

Is this what w re seeing today?


Politics are real. Politics sets priorities between competing public interests. The process is never perfect. It gets ugly when existing political interests work against your individual rights.


It’s not politics in the traditional sense at work here. It’s violent Leftist thugs rioting and even more disturbing attacking the police with the implicit approval of politicians who have abandoned their primary responsibility to maintain public order. It’s now acceptable to endorse mob rule by disguising it as the actions of a small minority. :flushed:

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It’s the lefts brand of politics

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The leftists are beyond talking to.

They throw money at people. Anyone accepting money from them are just as guilty.

They have no conscience, no honesty, no patriotism, nothing they aspire to has anything do with America first to serve the American people. They tie Trumps hand with new bondage every day. They are trying to split America into 50 pieces.

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