Thank Goodness for the First Amendment!

We don’t distinguish between them; the context usually makes it clear which is which.

Behind Every Liberal Is a Neofascist. They’re Watching You Night and Day

Ever since the 1930s, the term “fascist” has been associated with right-wing dictators. The problem is that real fascism is more closely associated with the left wing, but the left-wing media won’t tell you that.

The first step in this analysis is to define “fascism.” Unfortunately, it’s one of those words that has lost meaning because people hurl it at their political enemies as an insult without even knowing what it means.

The classic definition of fascism was offered by the founder of 20th-century political fascism, Benito Mussolini, the Italian dictator from 1922–1943. His definition was, “Everything within the state. Nothing outside the state.” In other words, fascism was the ultimate form of Big Government.

And who favors Big Government today? The left. Mussolini started his career as a left-wing socialist writer and editor and gradually moved into politics. He said he got his ideas from Woodrow Wilson, a proto-fascist (Wilson practically nationalized the entire U.S. economy and squashed free speech in World War I) and hero of the Democratic Party.

It was Stalin (one of the most brutal fascists in history) who started the myth of fascism as “right wing” in order to direct criticism away from his own left-wing brand of fascism (known as communism).

Where are we today? We’re entering a new era of fascism. Who’s leading the movement? As shown in this article, it’s the left-wing Democratic governors who are issuing “lockdown” orders, arresting people without face masks and revoking business and liquor licenses from small-business owners trying to earn a living, all without legal authority. (When these neofascist tactics are challenged in court, the state often loses. But not every small-business person can afford the legal fees to bring suit.)

Now the neofascists have taken matters a step further by using technology to track your movements, take your temperature and record the names of those you’re having dinner with to ensure compliance with their illegal orders. This Big Brother approach is not coming; it’s here. Mussolini would be proud.

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There is an excellent book by Jonah Goldberg “Liberal Fascism”.WOW! It opened my eyes.Mussolini stated that Fascism was only a means to gain power. Check the Italian Fascist manifesto…liberal

Actually he was spot on. I don’t mean he (Mussolini) was right of course, but it’s undeniable that a populace cannot prevail over, firstly, the courts of justice (think ‘fines and bailiffs’?), secondly, the civilian forces of law and order (think ‘police exceeding their power’?), and then the military if it’s needed to quell an uprising. We’re beginning to see that now?

What really puzzles me is that Leftists used to be acknowledged as tolerant, reasonable, and rational when justifying their various dogmas, and would have the humility to disappear into the woodwork whenever events prove their stances were seriously flawed. But now, not only will they refuse to listen to any contra-perspectives even when the unwanted and inevitable consequences are pointed out to them, they actually turn aggressive toward their antagonist(s); I mean, Pinochet found that out the hard way? It really is a form of madness. In fact they exemplify the term ‘useless eaters’, and the world would be a far better place without them.

According to Mr. Goldberg´s book, liberal or leftist fascism started with President´s Wilson’s presidency. A Sedition act curtailing your freedom of speech, a special goon squad formed to enforce his dictatorial fiats and his extreme racism. I am skipping many details.The next Fascist President was Roosevelt.

I don’t know much about American history, I don’t know much more about British history lol, but having watched Bitter Lake a few times, I know enough about Roosevelt be be convinced he saved America from the Dust Bowl Depression.

Yes he made great efforts, but he surely acted like a dictator and he also had a semi-secret goon squad which to enforce his oral order that everyone have a National Recovery Sticker or decal on his windows. Without congressional approval he banished the ownership of gold by any person only to be restored in the 1980`s. He attempted to pack the Supreme Court with Yes Men. The list goes on. Yes you are correct, he did make efforts to mitigate the damage of the 1929 and 1937 Rescission.

One man’s ‘dictator’ is another man’s strong leader? In fact there are regions of the world where dictators are needed for the greater good.