Tacos Burn Alive After Trying To Steal Oil From A Burst Pipeline šŸ¤£

Each side has a fringe.

They have a lot in common. They are simply different sides of the same coin. :wink:


They should really take a look at the Cuckservative Pledge.

Iā€™m a cuckservative because I donā€™t believe that my white skin gives me some birthright to call myself the heir of Western values which made this country great.

Iā€™m a cuckservative because we need illegal immigrants to mow our lawns and wash our dishes, because no white man, or more or less, no black man will do it. And I donā€™t care in Pajeet Pooinloo takes your job. You should have learned to live within your means. Whiteness is not an entitlement.

Iā€™m a cuckservative because I know your alt-right movement is just a pawn for Vladimir Putin.

Iā€™m not a racist because I donā€™t need to prove my superiority. We donā€™t need a so-called conversation on race relations. I live in a gated community, far away from the inner city. I can ignore demographics because Iā€™m safe. White supremacists are usually trailer trash who are afraid of living next to black people, even though they are just as uneducated and lazy.

I donā€™t need white nationalism or white identity to prove myself. I went to college and worked 2 jobs, all at the same time, while taking care of my wifeā€™s autistic son because her baby daddy was a methhead.

All these alt-right white nationalists complain about black-on-white crime, bell curves, and IQ tests, but they are really all trailer trash or basement dwelling manchildren. If youā€™re white and you believe in your genetic superiority, then become successful, move to a gated community, and never worry about race relations again.

Thereā€™s a reason why true conservatives reject racism. Because we know weā€™re superior, but we donā€™t get on a soapbox and shout ā€œwhite genocide.ā€ Weā€™re intelligent. We can just get good jobs and move to rich neighborhoods and live in our tightly knit country-club.

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You paint with a mighty wide brush. I consider myself a conservative yet I do not hold any of your imagined pledges.

Good Lord. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Thatā€™s astounding. Is it supposed to be evidence of something important?

To what?

If thatā€™s supposed to hurt my racial feelings, Iā€™m sorry to disappoint. Itā€™s like being called a jerk by the biggest asshole in the bar for telling him heā€™s an ass. Just like a bully in school, you need another group to put down in order to make yourself feel better.

I pitty you. Your life must be miserable if you have to resort to blaming other people for your lot in life. But if this thread is any indication. Itā€™s well deserved.

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All men are created equal.

By the grace of God go I.

There but for the grace of God go I.

Iā€™m not sure we arenā€™t being trolled so it can be trotted out on places like Fundies Say the Darndest Things so they can high five with other somewhat unaware of the game progressives over a few ā€œsee I told you soā€™s.ā€

Ah - the salt is still flowing from yesterday. Wonderful :ok_hand:

Resurrected from the dead

Are you a homosexual?

Youā€™re a complete and total asshole.

You can find more of your kind the LGBQ sites.

Funny how Liberal Anal Orifices make excuses for these dumbasses actions.Like these BEANERS werenā€™t responsible for their actions. I guess the Cartels forced them to do it.
For a change of pace , we could drop some WHITE PHOSPHORUS on occasion.

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They have an Out of Control Birthrate and a Liberal supported right to Taxpayer paid Social Services.

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