Well, it makes sense, as Romney said, the countries that took serious the pandemic from the very beginning have deaths in the hundreds. While America was treading water and the virus got a foothold here, as a result, we have 100,000 deaths…
This was posted by Magog today (depending on your time zone) on a different thread.
It’s a hoax.
End of the story
(Never mind if somebody else claims “I posted that first!”)
Actually posted here the day before Einstein!
Do you mean the results show the virus mutated into something less deadly over time?
Yeah just read up a few posts and look at the time stamps. Your dishonesty exposed as usual!
The virus in question wasn’t deadly from the get-go, despite the engineering to incorporate HIV sequence and all that jazz.
Not deadly to whom? The people who’d still be alive today but not for the virus?
With a death rate lower than a regular flu?
“the fatality rate from the new coronavirus in Tokyo is about 0.26 percent”
This figure corresponds to that by German virologist Dr Streeck I posted earlier.
(Official Coronavirus Non-Political Thread: Facts and Updates ⛑)
Actually the death rate is totally unknown as they still hav yet to figure out how many people have been infected and have recovered.
Actually, the infection rates in various parts of the world are unknown. (Forget the mass media narratives)
No, it means it was never deadly in the first place. We’ve been conned people, and conned big time. Hopefully the fake ‘scientists’ will own up then disappear back into the woodwork where they belong - along with the dumb politicians who believed them?? But I’m wondering what the BBC is going to obsess about now?
How to keep safe while shopping, this should involve a blunt instrument in case you cross paths with some twat in a dust mask…