Massive Whale Shark Spotted in the Hudson River

This is a pretty cool story. The video at the NJ 12 link shows the shark very clearly. No word on what happened to it. This is a great sign that water quality is getting better and better year after year. I might work up the nerve to eventually go fishing and eat what I catch!

Video footage shows what appears to be a shark swimming in the Hudson River. A New Jersey resident said he was fishing off the New Jersey coast when he spotted a whale shark in the Hudson River. The whale shark stayed around for hours. Whale sharks aren’t dangerous to people.


This could trigger people and give them PTSD. DeBlasio and Cuomo will ban all sharks from the Hudson River and put anyone filming sharks in prison for 25-to-life for using a handheld device while aboard a moving watercraft.

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This will cause major problems for those who sexually identify as whale sharks.

Cool but unusual! Food source with ultimately dictate.

Humpback whales have also been spotted. So have Great Whites.