How much of the bible is real history?

I thought the same of some of your post here, my old friend.

Perhaps the topic of another discussion, but if Good exists does that not necessitate that Evil must exist?

Otherwise, the definition of Good would be simply “everything” and thus of no value.

Or what we conceive to be good and evil are our own constructs and there is no good or evil in nature. Isn’t it a matter of perspective anyway? What is good in one’s eyes cannot be evil in another’s? What’s that saying? “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”

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You were speaking of God being good but creating evil. Thus my reply.

I would ask you to stay on the topic if you want a logical discussion.

Odd. I thought I was.

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There was nothing personal about any of my posts.

That is my argument exactly! Believers love to put a human identity to something that has not been proven to be defined, only in a human context!

Like matter and anti matter one exists with the other and may act as a way to counter balance each other.

True! What I find most enlightening is if you take the majority of religions in the world and deduct their commonalities that they share with each other you will find that the only thing that separates them is language itself! Of course there are a few religions out there that don’t fit this disposition due to their beliefs being vastly so different that they have nothing in common with the majority. Man himself dies in darkness when he believes there is no evolution to their own religious ideologies to expand in order to be open minded to accept other alternatives to interpretation!

My Struggle?
Isn’t that better known as Mein Kampf?

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Sure. That explains why there is good and evil. But again, scripture says “God is good.” I’m suggesting that the creator of both good and evil is neither, but beyond morality altogether.

Right, I was suggesting the creator created both for a purpose. The creator itself could be as you suggested neither good or bad but just is.

I saw a documentary that was pretty convincing that laid out the argument that the New Testament was entirely Roman propaganda to pacify their (formerly Hebrew and other) slaves who were seeking to rise up against the Empire.

Is it just me, or does good and evil sound a lot like symmetry? :thinking:

Sorry, you are going to have to give me a little more context. Symmetry as in Nature? Or energy?

Good can’t exist without evil, otherwise, we’d have nothing to compare.

Creation can’t exist without destruction, otherwise, the atoms in our bodies would have never formed.

For everything in this existence, there is an opposite, as if there is symmetry to everything. A yin and yang as it were.

And don’t even get me started on how Lucifer turned out to be nothing more than a stupid comet! lol

Got it! Yes I agree!

There is a literal and figurative translation to everything we know thus we seek to know which one is which, but Nature remains perfect!

Given the heinous atrocities of the Romans documented in the New Testament, that makes no sense.

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Turn the other cheek… Love thy neighbor

I mean if it were written by the Romans to quell a potential uprising before it started wouldn’t preaching pacifism and forgiveness be propagandizing? I mean we take it on faith that each of the testaments was written by different disciples, but what if that’s all part of the fiction? Why wouldn’t it make sense to tell a bunch of slaves not to worry about what happens in this life because they’re going to be rewarded in the next one? Sounds like a good way to control people to me.

It can just as well be used to inspire insurrection -or opposition, at least - at the risk of death … because Christians would be rewarded for fighting evil.

Many tyrants like Mao and Lenin and Stalin knew this and tried to eradicate religion.

But … hey… believe what you will. It just makes zero sense to me.

Never said I actually believed it, just that the writers of the documentary make a convincing argument. I’ve already stated my piece on ‘organized’ religion.

We are God’s children, and yet some say Jesus is the only son.

The Lord’s Kingdom is within us, and yet some say the only path to God is through Jesus.

He knew us before we were in the womb, so perhaps we knew Him too.

There’s a lot of confusion when it comes to the Bible because people interpret everything literally when it suits their needs, and metaphorically when it doesn’t. Before you know it, everyone is cherry-picking verses to support their personal views, thereby speaking on behalf of God Himself (godsplaining), and negating everything Jesus tried to teach us.

Perhaps Jesus wasn’t merely killed for coming out as the Son of God, but for also letting the secret out that so are the rest of us.

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