Have you heard of flying mines?

Mine damages above water line?

We’ve been over this numerous times, quit trolling.

First time I hear of flying mines.

And WELL above the water line, and two separate points of damage. The US narrative is same old type of bs we’ve heard so many times.

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At this point it’s just a troll fest.

That’s an understatement. 40 years of interference, killing and destroying infrastructure and its much in ruins…

Well that’s certainly another lie.

America’s Middle East Scorecard: Many Interventions, Few Successes




Nobody has succeeded in controlling the ME in over 5,000 years from either within or without.

Mass murder, wholesale death, and frequent exterminations of whole populations were the rule rather than the exception prior to the last century.

There have been fewer casualties in the ME as a percentage of the population since the end of WWII than any extended period prior.

Revolution, conquest, revolution, genocide, conquest and extermination are pretty much all the region has ever known.

Ha, story keeps changing.
Tell-tale sign that it was a fabrication

It’s like the argument by a black mayor of DC

It’s one of the safest places in the US, except murder

No, the story hasn’t changed at all.

The original story reported it was a limpet mine.

You aren’t making the least bit of sense now at all.

The ME has been safer since the end of WWII than it was for the five thousand years prior.

Sure, the Middle East has been very peaceful, especially after the creation of Israel, except the wars of 1956, 1967, attacking of USS Liberty, 1973 and countless massacres of Arab civilians by Israel… Do I need to go on?

You really should look up each of those conflicts, who the aggressors were and what the casualties added up to then get back with us.

Most particularly the past 40 years that the US has been bombing the Middle East, and continually since 9/11. In fact, radical Islam has increased exponentially along with western interference. People seem to forget the open letter that OBL wrote the American people, telling us exactly why they were waging war against us.

Just the opening…

“While seeking Allah’s help, we form our reply based on two questions directed at the Americans:

(Q1) Why are we fighting and opposing you?
Q2)What are we calling you to, and what do we want from you?

As for the first question: Why are we fighting and opposing you? The answer is very simple:

(1) Because you attacked us and continue to attack us.”

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What a bunch of crap. The expansion of Islamic terrorism is why we have been bombing the ME.

It has also cropped up and spread to more than 140 countries where the US wasn’t bombing anyone.

A bit more from OBL…

d) You steal our wealth and oil at paltry prices because of your international influence and military threats. This theft is indeed the biggest theft ever witnessed by mankind in the history of the world.

(e) Your forces occupy our countries; you spread your military bases throughout them; you corrupt our lands, and you besiege our sanctities, to protect the security of the ■■■■ and to ensure the continuity of your pillage of our treasures.

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Living proof that Israel is “Gog and Magog” in the Bible.

To OBL’s point that …”we steal their wealth and oil”…

Chuck Hagel who served amongst other posts as secretary of defense made this acknowledgement near the end of the Bush Administration…

Back in 2007, Chuck Hagel went totally crazy and told the truth about our invasion of Iraq. Here’s what he said:

“People say we’re not fighting for oil. Of course we are. They talk about America’s national interest. What the hell do you think they’re talking about? We’re not there for figs.”

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