Beto Says ‘Hell Yes’ We’re Going To Take Americans’ Guns

Beto Says ‘Hell Yes’ We’re Going To Take Americans’ Guns … --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IN OTHER NEWS: Woman famous for confronting Beto O’Rourke over gun rights wins GOP primary election in major upset------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Part of the job for me and others from El Paso who live along the border is to dispel the myths about how supposedly dangerous the border is.

Beto O’Rourke

Thanks for dispelling the myth Beto. IN OTHER OTHER NEWS: Robert Krentz, a prominent Arizona rancher murdered by a suspected illegal border crosser on his own property, also spoke out. “Fifteen-hundred people have been killed by illegal immigrants since Rob was killed,” Krentz’s widow Sue was quoted as saying in media reports. “My message is we need to secure the border. We don’t need to create new laws, we need to enforce the ones we have… We are now witnessing brutal mob behavior and many have no intent to assimilate into the community.”