Ben Shapiro - What Do You Think?

TRW, are you sure you want to go there with me?

Progs agree. They want as many people against the white Europeans as possible.

Antisemitic right wingers are the left’s secret weapon. They both hate Israel. They both want to separate white Europeans from everyone else.

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Is there some particular reason you can’t answer the question? Perhaps your issue is with the “no religious test for office”?

Go ahead, enlighten us.

Apparently it’s limited to “Northern Europeans”. The club gets smaller every year.


Oh little Ben Shapiro. Where do I begin? Should I start with how he used his wife and children as human shields because he thought he got some hard questions unexpectedly from Nick Fuentes? Nah - I’ll dive into that later.

Let’s start with the basics.

I always found Shapiro dim-witted. All Shapiro’s edited videos are exactly the same. “Ben Shapiro destroys…” the video shows Shapiro saying “okay okay then what about the cost, have you thought of that” then the video spans to the audience and shows people cheering.

He is literally the only person I have seen lose a debate to Cenk Uygur from the Young Turks.
Total manufactured genius. Shapiro is just another average ■■■ who’s been hyped way beyond his actual abilities or accomplishments. In fact, All Ben does is use highfalutin words and talk fast. A debate opponent who is not dazzled into intimidation and confusion by this technique is rare. But such an opponent will win the debate.

Shapiro is masterful at decimating mentally undeveloped commie SJW twenty-year-olds on college campuses that can’t even sufficiently wipe their own asses. The lowest of the low hanging fruit…like those goats that faint when you startle them. Shapiro is only slightly impressive on his own show when he starts rattling off commentary in machine gun fashion while adroitly keeping the shekel stream rolling with mattress and gold investment commercials every seven to ten minutes. Outside of that, people are starting to notice that Ben “the Puny Palestinian” Shapiro’s entire debate strategy has become ignoring people while lashing out at them behind their backs and calling them “unprofessional”, which roughly translates to “poor” and “working class”. Not a good look. This tactic may work with boomers, who are still playing social-climbing games instead of considering their enduring legacy (probably because it is a legacy of failure), but I’m not sure how these college kids on these campuses the Puny Palestinian is speaking at lately will react to Ben saying that anyone who disagrees with him is poor and therefore not worth his time.

What are your thoughts @Ravioli?


Hmm - I honestly never paid any attention to Ben Shapiro. What does he matter anyway? It’s not like Israel doesn’t have a billion other bullhorns pretending to be journalists out there.


Ben knows he would have gotten destroyed in a debate with Nick. That’s why he was hiding behind his family like a bitch.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1208145776519634949&ref_url=http%3A%2F%2Fdstormer6em3i4km.onion%2Fmiami-nick-fuentes-attempts-to-confront-ben-shapiro-who-uses-his-wife-and-children-as-human-shields%2F^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1208159004201029632&ref_url=http%3A%2F%2Fdstormer6em3i4km.onion%2Fmiami-nick-fuentes-attempts-to-confront-ben-shapiro-who-uses-his-wife-and-children-as-human-shields%2F^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1208168241719169025&ref_url=http%3A%2F%2Fdstormer6em3i4km.onion%2Fmiami-nick-fuentes-attempts-to-confront-ben-shapiro-who-uses-his-wife-and-children-as-human-shields%2F

Notice how they are just kvetching and screaming for deplatforming, because asking a public figure a question while not impeding his movement in public is not illegal even if his milkerless wife and inbred spawn are present. If the slightest infraction had occurred Nick would currently be behind bars. Nick Fuentes is also a public figure and has no criminal convictions that I’m aware of and had multiple people filming his questioning of a public figure.

Also, I think human shields are against the Geneva Conventions. This flagrant violation by Shapiro puts us all at risk.

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Kind of like this, as Knowles points out but on the opposite end of the spectrum.

Shapiro should stick with the college campus tour circuit! He is useful there, but among adults he is a fraud!

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Interesting how @Ravioli challenged you to a debate on Ben “no new taxes except billions for Israel” Shapiro and backed out. Very low energy. We should rename him Jeb!

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Protip: @Ravioli you got fuckin wrecked in less than 30 minutes then bailed.

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How come you didn’t post Shapiro’s official statement with all of this Fuentes goodness? Here, I found it for you:

“Oy vey ! The evil nazi Nick Fuentes and his nazi groypers tried to gang-rape my children and bayonet my pregnant wife in the stomach ! It was the Holocaust™ all over again !” - Ben Shapiro

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