An open letter to the managers of Political Bulletin

So what are they? Bots posting do you think?

Try sending that guy a message

There a link to go back to 2013 I know for a fact this was not around 2013

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None of those Twitter posts I have read so far have been from Leftists, every post seems to be from Rightist types.

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I am not tech savvy enough to know that but I do know I was looking on twitter to find out where the other people what after politicalbullpen was shut down and these tweets did not exist 100% FACTS

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Why would patriot pay people to tweet out post from this website… What was the return value

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It’s all just too strange to get my head around.

No idea.

I’m pretty sure I connected patriot to ownership or partnership with an NORDVPN

Am not saying patriot pay anyone all I’m saying is these tweets do not match my timeline I really don’t know what is going on or where these tweets have come from but they have been doctored somehow the dates are fucked up the dates are older than the tweets

Oh my god now go to Facebook and type in

Lol It’s even weirder

And not ONE name from those Tweets is recognisable to ANY of us YET they ALL are tagging this forum.

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The dates are older than the tweets


From Facebook I get the below:

Why would someone fuck with this forum like this though? It’s not like we are a big forum, this is a pretty small forum.

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That’s how we know those accounts are not people from here this whole thing is mess up

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Here’s some other curious stuff:

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Search post… Not results

I just saw a post on Facebook from 2013 that linked political Bullpen

Below says that Patriot was reading 2 minutes ago, yet still unresponsive to ANY posts any of us have @ him to.



The site is freaking me out

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